SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Honors College Report: September 25, 2012

Honors College Report
September 25, 2012

Activities and News:
  • HC admitted 59 new students, 6 were sophomores the rest were entering freshmen. International students admitted came from Nigeria (2), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Togo, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Vietnam, and Zimbawe. Arkansas contributed 34 students, Texas 14, Tennessee 1, Louisiana 1.
  • The annual matriculation ceremony was held last Saturday with Judge Kelvin Wyrick giving the keynote address for Senator Mark Pryor, who was delayed in Washington, DC due to legislative business.
  • Director Kardas and GA Carter Jones wrote a Portz grant to the NCHC: New 2-year Honors Programs allow students to attend nearby Honors College. That grant seeks to establish honors programs at four nearby two-year schools: SAU Tech, SACC, UACCH, and Cossatot. The grant will allow the HC to expand by admitting qualified students as juniors. Those students will be able to transfer in their honors hours earned at the two-year schools via honors articulation agreements.
  • The HC offices and lounge are now located in Nelson 200. A dedication ceremony and open house will be announced soon.
  • Dr. Trey Berry addressed the Honors Seminar class recently. Next week Dr. Lisa Toms will address them. Dr. Berry spoke of the importance of undergraduate research. Dr. Toms will discuss honors courses and opportunities in the College of Business.
  • Honors students will again trade their first year stipend money ($600) for an iPad. The tablets were ordered recently and should arrive in a matter of days.
  • Three honors students won summer internships in 2012. Darrell Gray worked with the Detroit Lions NFL football team as an intern trainer. Chris Harris worked as a political science intern in Washington, DC. Alex Novotny worked as an intern at Disney World in Orlando. In October they will give a short program describing their experiences.
  • Another honors student, Deana Hughes, is currently enrolled in an honors semester program at Northern Arizona University centered on courses about the Grand Canyon.
  • Zachary Pinson, Hali Pinson, Michelle Beavers will travel to the NASA Stennis Space Center in October to begin work on a research project: Prospective Job Satisfaction: Female ENGR Students. There, they will meet with NASA personnel in order to begin developing a questionnaire on prospective job satisfaction of female and male engineering undergraduate students throughout the state of Arkansas.
  • Honors College continues to work on sponsoring an educational trip to Cuba, tentatively scheduled for Spring Break 2013. The Riceland Corporation has yet to respond to our inquiries about funding. HC may write a grant to Walmart instead.

  • Fall 2012 Enrollment report (as of 09-25-2012)
  • Full honors: 79—HC 63, HIST 16
  • Contracts: 85—ACCT 2, AGED 1, BIOL 29, CSCI 4, ECE 2, ENGL 4 ENGR 1, FIN 1, HIST 4, HS 1, HUM 7, MKTG 2, NURS 5, PHIL 1, PSCI 6, PSYC 7, SPAN 1, SWK 1, THEA 6
  • Spring 2012 Enrollment report (as of 01-25-2012):
  • Full honors: 46— ANTH 6, ENGL 17, PSYC 23
  • Contracts: 91—ACCT 2, ANTH 4, BIOL 32, CRJU 2, CSCI 3, ENGL 7, HIST 4, MATH 3, MKTG 2, PHIL 1, PSYC 19, SOC 10, SPAN 1, THEA 1

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