SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Falkoff, Brian: Bucket List

Dreams are manifestations of hopes. Goals are places to be reached and things to be obtained. This is my bucket list; a combination of my personal dreams and goals.
Although delivering a breech baby is dangerous and difficult, I would be excited to do so; especially if I did it successfully and the baby and mother survived. Another reason for this being on my bucket list is how rare breech berths have become. Cesarean deliveries – birthing through an incision in the abdomen – are safer. For that reason, C-sections have become more commonplace.
The second box to be checked has beside it “scuba diving Mexico’s caves.” The Minotauro, Chac Mool, and Dos Ojos, are all underwater caves. Underwater diving is much more dangerous than conventional, open water diving, and confined spaces have never been a comfort for me, which is a major motivation.
Reading – a forgotten art (Urban Dictionary). I whole heartily disagree with this definition. Reading is a passion and nearly an obsession of mine, so writing a book is naturally a step that I would want to take. Not only do I want to write a book, I want it to be successful. Success, even in a small amount, is fame. And who does not want at least some fame?
As an outdoors person, I love to hike and camp. Hiking the Appalachian Trail has been a dream since I watched a documentary about it: six months of walking through about four distinct terrains: stopping to resupply in the many towns the AT snakes through: the motivation to reach Baxter Peak, Katahdin, Maine before the mountain is closed for winter. Nearly 2,181 miles of trail to be trekked; it sounds insane.
The most important part of my bucket list is being the most educated of my siblings. Three sisters and two brothers leave a large shadow to stand in. Being the middle boy, middle child syndrome did play a role in my childhood. An awesome way to step away from that would be to have multiple college degrees along with a very successful career. Another reason, besides beating my brothers and sisters, is to simply be educated beyond the norm.
Knowing that my life will be long and that I have so many doors to open, fulfilling the dreams and reaching the goals of this list seems very possible. This is my bucket list, and I will, one day, have checked everything off.

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