SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bucket List: Elizabeth Attebery

 After I get my degree in English-Writing I want to go to graduate school to pursue a Master’s Degree. I want to meet several people who are fluent in foreign languages so that I can better develop my skills in Arabic. I would like to one day write novels and articles and be able to translate them into Arabic myself. I really enjoy submitting my short stories to writing competitions and I hope to continue to do so. 

Once I am done with my Bachelor’s Degree, I want to make sure to set aside time to travel to the Oklahoma Writers Federation conference in Oklahoma so that I can meet more established writers. 

If possible, I would also like to become a mentor to a robotics team to instruct younger writers on how to produce technical writing for engineering notebooks. BEST Robotics is one of the competitions that I know best. 

I would like to visit Italy and the United Kingdom at some point to experience the historical landmarks and food cuisine that they have available, especially Italy’s pasta. Rollercoasters are something that I enjoy, so I want to travel around the United States and try to find the best roller coaster locations. I would like to participate in a volleyball team or teach young children the basics of playing volleyball as an assistant coach.

I would also like to marry someone and have one or two children. If I become bored during retirement, I would like to work part-time at a library and help younger children find fun books to read. Overall, I want to perfect my own writing and foreign language skills throughout my career and travel to adventurous places with my family. 

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