SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Bucket List: Cody Low

 My bucket list consists of 8 items. I would be content to achieve the first 4. I have listed them in terms of priority so that I can easily keep track of my progress and keep myself accountable.

    Firstly, I would love to graduate and land a good job in the engineering field. If able, I would want to pursue a career in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in propulsion systems. After establishing myself, I would love to start an engineering firm or an aerospace company in the propulsion systems field.

    My second goal is to get married by age 30  and soon after start a family. The main purpose of those goals is to glorify God, love them, and allow them to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I would love to raise kids and educate them with a proper upbringing. 

    The third item is for me to take care of my family members financially. Although adults should be financially responsible on their own, I would love to lessen the financial burdens of my parents and my sibling. 

Fourthly, I would love to return the favors that have been given to me along the way. Many people have been kind to me and my family; in turn, I would make it my responsibility to help these people and spread their kindness even further. 

    Lastly, there are 3 items I would love to achieve. I would love to read 700 books in 10 years; The purpose is for self-growth and self-reflection. Also, I would love to invent something. This is so that I leave the world better than it is. The last of the items is to plan and build something from scratch. I would love to experience the proceedings involved as a whole in building something from nothing.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Bucket List: Amy Tarlton

There are several things I want to accomplish at some point in my life. One of the top ones is to visit all fifty states, and by visiting I mean at least staying one night in each one. Going on a cruise is another item on my bucket list. All of my vacations so far have never left the country, nor land and I feel that I would greatly enjoy a cruise. 

I also would like to own at least two cats before I turn twenty-five. My favorite animal is a cat and there happens to be a cat shaped hole in my heart that I desperately want to fill, but can’t because I am currently living in a dorm. 

Graduating as an honor student from SAU with a Bachelors in Biochemistry is another goal I have set for myself. 

One of my final items on my bucket list is to have a stable enough income to support my parents as they age. As an only child I am the only person they have, and they have done nothing but support me and I wish to do the same for them when they need it most. 

I want to reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico at some point in my life. I went to Albuquerque my freshman year of high school and it has stayed with me ever since.

Bucket List: Matthew Ringgold


For most of my life, I've felt like I've been waiting around, just biding my time until I magically become a responsible adult who can handle life on my own. But recently, I've come to realize that life doesn't always go the way we plan. It's not a straight road that takes us exactly where we want to go. Instead, it's full of unexpected twists and turns that force us to live in the moment.

On my 18th birthday, instead of the usual cake and presents, I asked my parents to go skydiving with me as it had been a major goal of mine since I was a child. It taught me that I shouldn't wait for opportunities to open up for me, instead I should seek them out myself. Now, my dreams have become more modest and now primarily revolve around remaining curious.

As a computer science major, my main motivation to remain in the field is my strong sense of curiosity. There are endless possibilities to explore in this field, with experts constantly uncovering new things. The excitement of learning and discovering allows me to never feel stuck.

But in this journey of self-discovery I've also realized the importance of my relationships with others. In my quest for independence I pushed away people I cared about and became quite pessimistic about those around me. Now, beyond just pursuing basic career goals, I want to rediscover my capacity for empathy and kindness.

In conclusion, my life is all about curiosity, adventure, and compassion. While I do feel that my life is quite thoroughly planned out, I don't ever want to feel like I've completed everything. There is always more to see, to find, or to feel

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bucket List: Chaney Williams

There’s a point in everyone’s lives that we share, and it’s the end. It’s also known as death, expiring, perishing, departing, flatlining, and, most gruesome of all, kicking the bucket. There are many things I’d like to accomplish in life before then.  There are the obvious things such as: money, power, fame, love, and success; however, I feel that goes unsaid, so what about the weird, crazy, things I’d like to do?

               For starters, I want to travel more. I’ve already been to Europe multiple times, and I want to go again. I also would like to go to China, Japan, or South Korea. It’ll be a while before I can go to China due to political reasons (I doubt I could be quiet at Tiananmen Square where “Nothing happened”), but the other two are possible. I wouldn’t mind going to Australia or New Zealand for the simple reason of just because; however, I can barely stand a flight across the Atlantic, so I’m not going across the Pacific until I can be prescribed sleeping pills that would make Elvis envious.

               Finally, I’d like to use my success to acquire all the land around my home. Now many people would interpret that as “I want a lot of land,” but I mean I want all the land. From the lake to the interstate, I want it. There is a conundrum wherein people are starting to tour Southeastern Oklahoma for its natural beauty, which leads to construction and the destruction of the very beauty they’re selling.  Idealistically, I’m doing this to preserve the beauty, but it’s to keep those people away though the increase in land value is a nice bonus.

               My list is a bit short in all honesty, but it’s simple and, above all else, realistic. Sadly, going to space is still quite far from the average consumer, and Santa isn’t real so why bother going to the North Pole? So, what happens if I die before any of this? Well, if I haven’t acquired the land I’ll simply come back to life because I can rest when I’m dead and I can die when I’m done, and I’m not done. As for the travel, I have an elegant solution. My children will carry my ashes across the world by spending whatever I have saved, and it’s a far better way of achieving closure than a funeral. Truly, I’m trying to put “fun” in “funeral.”


Bucket List: Morgan Sharp

 As a young adult, there is much I look forward to accomplishing in my life. I would like to travel while I’m young instead of waiting for retirement. I want to travel to as many countries as possible, especially after getting to know my tennis teammates from all across the world. I also have a good friend in France that I would like to visit soon. I want to visit the Louvre to see famous artwork that I have only ever seen on a screen. I’ve always wanted to visit Italy and Greece since I was young. 

After college I want to get married and have a family. I hope to live on a good plot of land because I believe having a little distance from your neighbors will protect your peace. I also have a “book bucket list” of books I want to read, even though that list keeps expanding, and I want to read the Bible from front to back as an adult. 

I hope to see a couple of concerts of bands I like, even if most of my favorites have passed away now. I also would like to get my doctorate and become a child psychologist. I would like to have my own practice somewhere in the North Texas/Dallas area so that I am still close to my family. I would like to conduct my own research study and maybe even write a book one day. 

On a smaller note, I would like to go to the Crystal Bridges art museum in Bentonville, AR. I went to the Dallas Museum of Art for my last birthday and I would like to visit more art museums and other museums. Growing up in the Dallas area I was exposed to many different types of museums, but there are still some I have yet to visit like the Sixth Floor Museum, the Holocaust Museum, the Wax Museums, and more.

Bucket List: Elyssa Liechty


As a freshman in college, my main goal right now is to maintain good grades, gain knowledge and understanding of the subjects I'm being taught, and graduate with a degree I am passionate about. 

While in college I would also like to work on putting myself out there more, trying new things, and meeting new people while I am living on campus and have these opportunities available all around me. 

Once I graduate from SAU I hope to find a job that allows me to help people, use the skills I've gained in college, and provide a good income for me to live off of, and also an income that will allow me to give back to my family since they are the only reason I am where I am now. 

Sometime in the future I also want to have a husband and children. I want to have a big white house on lots of land, with horses and ponds to fish in. I want to have a wrap-around porch with a swing on it. I want my house to be where everyone goes for holidays and a place where everyone is comfortable and feels loved and appreciated. 

When I’m old I want to be able to look back on these things and be able to say I accomplished them, and that because of my hard work, along with the support of my family, I have had a successful and fulfilling life. 

Bucket List: Annagia Mondragon

My bucket list is mainly focused on long-term events because life is moving too fast right now as a freshman.  

Good grades have always been an important thing for me that I want to continue with. I know I want to graduate from the honors college. Especially with me being a first-generation college student, this would mean a lot to me.  

With my good grades, I want to get accepted into the nursing program. After completing the nursing program, I want to work in the ER. After, I want to become a travel nurse and be able to work in almost every state. 

A little silly one, I want to go to a Zach Bryan concert. I went to a Koe Wetzel concert during my senior trip, and the adrenaline was so high. I can't imagine the feeling if I ever get to see Zach Bryan.  

I want to be able to own my OWN home, and vehicle, preferably a black Jeep. No strings attached. 

I want to get a Westie. My family used to have one since before I was born, and when she passed at 16 years old, I've been looking for a Westie since. 

Another little silly one, I want to get into bike riding one day. Not now. Don't ask me to ride a bike right now because I will look at you crazyly. But I want to be one of those women you see on TikTok, who go on these ridiculously long bike rides.  

I want to find a good Christian man. Someone who pushes me to do great, and loves unconditionally, vice versa, especially with me traveling for the beginning of my adulthood.  

I want to be happy. It might seem cliche, but I want to learn how to put my happiness first instead of others in a non-selfish way.

Bucket List: Tyler Anderson

 As a marine biologist major, my end goal is to get a good paying job, preferably doing field work out in the ocean. Though in my mind, I'll be quite content with field work anywhere. 

After graduating SAU I plan on getting my masters and eventually a PhD. After that, I hope to get a stable job and have a decent house and car. Though I would hope to eventually be doing well enough to be able to travel abroad or possibly move to Europe. 

Another goal of mine is to further my Spanish past high school level, so I can eventually become fluent in it. Outside of that, I would like to have a large fish tank, and be able to afford a saltwater aquarium. 

Another goal of mine is to eventually get strong enough to try my hand at powerlifting, but never professionally. Besides that, there isn't much more I want in life, I just want a stable life of my own more than anything else.

Bucket List: Gavin Ketcher

 My bucket list is rather simple. I intend to get a good job as an engineer working on solar panels and earn enough to survive, and hopefully thrive, in our money hungry world. 

I want to own a good sized hill in Oklahoma that I would eventually have three houses built upon for my sister, my father, my friends, and me. I would make a recreational area at the top so we can all go up and visit together. 

After I have achieved that, I would like to explore the world and visit places like Japan, Scotland, and New Zealand. I want to visit all of them to see the beautiful nature and sights. More specifically I want to see Japan for the culture, Scotland to visit Hogwarts, and New Zealand to see where Lord of the Rings was filmed. 

I don’t have a lot on my list but what is there has meaning to me and will be difficult to achieve with the current trend of the economy. As such if I can’t obtain these goals I would settle for being able to help and take care of my sister and father.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bucket List: Gavin Nussey


I want to live freely, not free as in off the grid or unbound by society necessarily. I just want to make my own decisions and be happy with them. I want to marry my girlfriend, I want to own a nice home, I want to raise a family. I think that might seem boring to most, but it’s really all I want. 

Yes, I would like to travel, but not to anywhere specific, I don’t really have a preference. I’d like to own a few cool cars and a nice garage. I want to have kids; I’d teach them how to be kind and loving in a world that might not be that. 

I want to live how I’d like to live, and that life is enough for me. I don’t think I could put everything in a notarized list, that would make it too boring. I just want to see how life goes and make changes to myself along the way. I believe that is what my bucket list is.

Bucket List: Taylor Eubanks

The truth of the matter is I am a dreamer, but only because I know dreams are only called fantasies when people aren't passionate enough about them to make them come true. SAU wasn’t my dream, but it is leading me there. I got a full ride here, but throughout my time, I wish to go to internships. 

However, after I graduate I wish to obtain at least a masters in languages and eventually attend law school in Montana. 

I want to travel to South America, China, and Australia. I want to be an advocate for CASA as a lawyer and assist undocumented newly legalized immigrants acclimate to American society. I also want to be an advocate for undocumented immigrants who need assistance in becoming legal. 

Most importantly, I wish to contribute my success to my family and people as a whole. I wish to help as many as possible.

Bucket List: Paige Hudson

My bucket list would start off with the obvious goal of graduating from Southern Arkansas University with a four-year degree in my major, which is Modern Languages: English Education. I’d also like to minor in Music Education, which I’ll be fitting into my schedule next semester. 

Music is a very big part of my life, so another goal of mine is to be a part of an orchestra. It doesn’t matter which one, as long as I can play music. My main instrument, as it’s been my whole life, is the clarinet. A big goal of mine is to learn how to play every wind instrument, as well as piano and violin. 

A non-music related goal of mine is to travel. I haven’t really been out of Arkansas much, but I would love to travel to different countries and experience different cultures. I think I’d still like to live in Arkansas, though. Relating to my major, another goal of mine is to become a high school English teacher. I’d specifically like to teach AP English Literature and Composition, because my favorite part of English class has always been analyzing texts and writing essays. I’ve always been passionate about the arts, so pretty much every goal I have is related to things of that sort. 

I believe if I complete all of my art related goals, then that would make my life much more fulfilling by the time I die. 

Bucket List: Melody Raymick

 Recently, I have gotten the chance to travel to and through numerous cities and states, enhancing my love of travel. First, I would like to explore Arkansas more. I have been to a lot of different places in Arkansas, but I want to better educate myself with the state I live in by exploring more cities and areas in our beautiful "Natural State". In addition, I want to travel to all 50 states in the U.S.. One place I have been to is Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I have been twice, and it has been some of my favorite trips ever. Going again, especially with a family of my own, is definitely an adventure I want to take. Hopefully, traveling will bring other opportunities, such as meeting a famous person or introducing new goals and bucket list items. 

I also enjoy adrenaline filled activities, such as rollercoaster rides. I have been on many rollercoasters, but there are other adrenalized activities I would like to try. I would also take the chance to go skydiving if possible. I have wanted to try ziplining for many years. 

Although less exciting, I believe it would be an interesting experience. I have wanted to ride on a hot air balloon for many years as well. A similar enjoyable activity would be to go to a big lantern festival. As seen in many movies and shows, especially Tangled, this has always left me intrigued. 

Finally, but not limited to, I want to go scuba diving one day. The ocean is full of unknowns, especially to the general public, and I would love to see and explore it. 

As anyone can see, I love traveling and adventure, and I hope to accomplish plenty in my future.

Bucket List: Kyle Ybanez

Looking back at my life so far, I have never really thought of making bucket lists as I never thought of their completion, turning it into regret. It may have also been because of the lack of stability in my life—from immigration to overly stretching myself out throughout secondary education. As I lay sick in bed writing this, however, I am glad to write about my very first bucket list as we do not really know when “tomorrow” will end.
The first item of my bucket list is to live a simple life in Japan working for companies that have given me countless stories, creativity, and ideals through the various games I grew up playing. I want to offer the same stories that helped me grow up to future generations. This is a dream that I insist on achieving as I currently go through my computer science education and personal Japanese studies for the past two years.
The next item is to create songs that convey emotions that others can relate to. I have always been attracted to songwriting and have even created various drafts and lyrics before. Even after learning various instruments and improving my voice, however, I still have not taken the leap of faith toward this dream, and I can only hope that I will sometime in the future.

The last item in my bucket list so far is being able to leave something for the generations after me—whether it is the aforementioned games and music or even just a better life for my children as my parents did before.

In the end, I want to live my life to the fullest—completing every goal and dream—so that I can pass on with a smile on my face, without a single wrinkle of regret.

Bucket List: Andrew O'Grady

I try not to think about the distant future and the facts that come with growing old. However, a bucket list can also be considered what you want to complete in your life. This has made me consider what I want in the future. My goals fall into three categories: Personal, Education, and Career.


The first goal that comes to mind when I think of things I want to do is to marry my fiancée. We have been together for over five years as of 2023. I hope to travel the world with her and take the road trip we discussed, where we drive through every state in America. Eventually, I would like for us to get some land and build a house with a shop. When that works out, I one day hope to build her a 1967 Chevy Impala that she has wanted for years. 


The following goals that come to mind are based on my education. I want to finish my bachelor's degree at Southern Arkansas University. After that, it is in my best interest to gain work experience before I pursue further education. I want to get my welding inspection license and shoot for at least a master's degree. 


Lastly, my goals that relate to my career. I have spent many years welding and got an associate’s of applied science in welding. I am now pursuing a degree in engineering and hope to end up in a career where I can combine my previous experience and current studies. I hope to find a job where I can support myself and continue to learn. I love making things work or work more efficiently, and I hope to help improve the company that I end up at.


Bucket List: Mtende Moyo

While I used to worry about the future and its uncertainty, I now see it as a challenge to take steps to become who I want to be, both professionally and personally.

Firstly, and soon, I hope to establish an online presence as an artist to network with other creatives. Simultaneously, I plan on doing both illustrative and design-based commissions to further my experience and creative growth. With this practice, I will begin developing original comics to publish, both online and in print, with captivating plots and meaningful allegories to impact others. I hope to one day assemble a small team to make my passion project game or learn coding to develop independently while still focusing on other professional endeavors. Online, I also wish to publish video essays on obscure media in my spare time to give people laughs. While I plan to use digital artwork in my job, I also want to share my voice with the world in numerous ways.

I think it's important to keep learning new things, expand yourself, and experience different aspects of life. To coincide with that ideology and passion project, I'd like to familiarize myself with 3D modeling- learning to mold and rig in Blender or ZBrush- to become competent in 2D and 3D animation. Additionally, I'd like to learn how to play the guitar and the piano and familiarize myself with music theory and composition to create songs as a new method of self-expression. 

One crucial long-term goal of mine is to travel the country and globe. I'd love to broaden my worldview by visiting art museums and delving into other cultures and histories firsthand. I aspire to pick up at least one new spoken language and learn ASL to connect with more people and promote inclusion.

Bucket List: Brynne Chandler

As an undergraduate student, my most obvious goal is to maintain good grades and understand my lessons. As simple as that sounds, I’m struggling now, so I shudder to imagine how much worse it’ll be later this semester. My main academic goal is to graduate medical school with honors, but everything between is a smaller goal. 

My current personal goal is to make new friends while I’m here and create experiences I can remember fondly.  My sister’s motto is ‘do it for the memories,’ and I think I will adopt the same mentality. While I am ultimately here to learn and move on to my end goal, I would also like to enjoy my time here as well.

Of course, I do have the loftier goals that most people do. I want to find someone I love, get married, and maybe (probably not) have children. These goals are far harder to pack into a period because they can happen spontaneously at any moment or even not at all. I can hope and pray that these things do happen to me and that I can eventually get to that point in my life. 

My ultimate life goal is to help as many people as possible once I finally become a fully-fledged doctor while maintaining a personal life. It’s typically hard for medical doctors to have both, and though the goal may be hard to reach, I still really hope to achieve it. I want to be good at my job and maintaining my family. But of course, only time will tell!

Bucket List: Molly Fanning

 To wrap up my first semester at Southern Arkansas University (SAU) , I hope to be able to participate in the winter break ski trip to Winter Park, Colorado. Although I have been to Winter Park for several Christmases with my family, I look forward to going back with fellow SAU students. 


In May 2024, I will be wrapping up my first year at SAU as a business student. Soon after finishing my first year, I will be boarding a Carnival Cruise and will be visiting four tropical islands over the span of eight days. After returning back from the cruise, I will be spending the remainder of my summer vacation at Lake Claiborne in Homer, Louisiana. At the lake, I enjoy riding the jet ski, wakeboarding, and hanging out with friends. 


One day I hope to join the Honors College on one of their educational trips. Traveling has always been a big part of my life, as my parents tried to expose me to many different cultures around the world. Some of the places we have traveled to are Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Mexico, Turks & Caicos, and Honduras. After achieving my degree at SAU, I wish to travel the world and go scuba diving. 

Bucket List: Andy Hua

 Like many others, I have long-term aspirations and goals I would love to achieve during my life. Some of these goals are a cakewalk while others will be ambitious, taking much of my time and dedication. My bucket list is composed of nothing too grand or extreme, just what I deem as important for my life that will fulfill my happiness, satisfaction, and accomplishment in my work and myself as a person.

As an aspiring software engineer, one of the larger goals on my bucket list is to be offered a full-time job at a tech company after graduating college that allows me to live a sustainable and productive life by doing what I love. With that, I must achieve the multiple checkpoints within that goal such as doing well in school, gaining experience from internships, and graduating with a degree. With this job, I wish to make and save enough to support my current and future family, especially my mom.

One of my other large goals on my bucket list is to travel East and Southeast Asia. As an Asian-American immigrant born in Vietnam, I wish to venture around these parts of Asia and experience these fascinating cultures, especially Vietnam, now that I have grown to be mature to greatly appreciate them.

Lastly, I have a minor, yet important, goal on my bucket list which relates to my passion for music and as a percussionist. I want to be offered a contract to march in a Drum Corps International group. It is a great honor and accomplishment that I wish to achieve in order to partake in an activity super renowned in the music world.

Bucket List: Tori Mattmiller

My first goal, and my most important goal, is to gain a job as a chemical pathologist. I would love to publish many new scientific articles and gain a name for myself. 

Other than career goals I have many things I wish to accomplish in my lifetime. I want to travel the world. I would love to see Greece or Ancient Egypt. Ever since seeing the spectacular ruins of both places I have been in complete awe. I would also like to explore Africa. My father is from Nigeria and he tells me frequently about all of the family I have there. It would be pretty neat to get to meet them and learn about their culture. Let’s not forget about the amazing wildlife found in Africa! I would be so mesmerized to see  elephants their natural habitat. 

One of my smaller goals in life is to go to a concert. I don’t really listen to much music but it would be cool to have the experience. 

Something else that would be incredible to do before I die is to discover a new element. I would obviously name it Toranium. Toranium’s chemical symbol would we To. 

The last thing I would like to do is go to a beach. I know this goal might be small but I’ve never been to the beach. My family never went on vacations so I never had the opportunity. Hopefully I won’t get stung by a jellyfish!

Bucket List: Austin Willeford

If I am being completely honest, all I want in life is to be successful and live the lifestyle I've dreamed of. 

After my time at SAU I want to become a physical therapist, or at least set myself up to become one. I do not want to just be an average PT though, I want to incorporate a fitness center in my OWN practice. I want to be my own boss and really push the idea behind a healthy, fit, lifestyle. 

In my future I expect to see a beautiful crazy wife with two boys I can share my love of sports with. I need to live somewhere that I can experience all four seasons of the year and have a white Christmas. I will live in a huge barndominimum where the bottom floor is an at home fitness center so I can train my sons to be D1 athletes. Of course my wife is going to be an athlete too. Let's be honest if she isn't pushing me to be better she isn't the one. 

I would like to live on some land so I can do crazy things with my family and entertain a lot of people for fun. I will need a big living room with lots of seating and a GIANT TV so me and all the boys can watch on game days. The amount of food eaten on these days would leave people in shock. 

I want to be a somebody in my community. I need to make a difference and be someone people come to for help and guidance. I want to be a staple In my church enough to where people see God through me in my day to day life. I love life.

Bucket List: Adrianna Day

Before I die, there are a few things I would like to accomplish or experience.

  • Firstly, I would like to graduate with honors, not from barely getting by.
  • I would like to spend my young years traveling, maybe even living abroad for a few years. Mainly wanting to see Italy, Norway, and Spain.
  • Visiting the Louvre would be close to the top of the list. It would be amazing to see the paintings in person that I learned about in class.
  • Once in my life I will go bungee jumping. I have always wanted to try it, and I feel like afterwards I will probably not want to ever go again.
  • Since I have been interested in history, I would like to visit Trinity Church and see where Hamilton and his family rest.
  • Owning a pink jeep would be so fun, and I want one. I plan on having one someday.
  • Have a small wedding, with a big honeymoon.
  • Have kids a few years after marriage.
  • After I am older, and retired with no kids left at home, I think it would be nice to own a cute little boutique or store just for fun. Something to keep me occupied.
  • One thing I have always wanted to do is bring my mom traveling. She has always wanted to visit somewhere like Italy or London, but she never has.
  • Go skiing. I never have before.
  • I would love to ride a horse. They are so cute.
  • After getting married, I would like to live in a small town and have a cute garden. 

Bucket List: Caleigh Patrick

 I want to complete my double major here at SAU having achieved the title of either Summa Cum Laude or Magna Cum Laude.

  1. I want to be accepted into a prestigious university of medicine to study neurology.
  2. I want to be able to be called “Dr. Patrick,” just like my father. (I must admit, that does have a bit of a ring to it.)
  3. I want to complete residency as a neurologist.
  4. I want to complete medical laboratory research about dementia, its causes, symptoms, and possible cures, especially to help disabled veterans.
  5. I want to travel abroad, soak up new cultures, experience new cuisines, and make new friends.
  6. I want to be financially stable and invest my money wisely and morally.
  7. I want to sing in Carnegie Hall.
  8. I want to continue learning and improving myself, well beyond my “formal education” years.
  9. I want to be the founder of a nonprofit organization. (For what cause, I am not sure of yet, but I know God will lead me to those that need His love.)
  10. I want to eventually be married, become a mother, and love a family of my own endlessly.
  11. I want to write more, read more, paint more, play violin more, dance more, and sing more.

Most of all, I want to keep a joyous heart, a hardworking brain, and a healthy body.

Bucket List: Kristina Phipps

In the future I see myself with my PhD in Marine biology. I want to do research on marine mammals and penguins and discover new information on these species. To receive my PhD, I must first get my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. 

My dream job would be working with an organization to do research on marine species and wildlife to help conserve their populations and ecosystems. With a research job I hope to receive the opportunity to travel the world and see places like Italy, Australia, Africa, Galapagos Islands, and Ireland. 

Because of the job that I want, I know I will be away from my family most of the time and because of this I hope to have the money to have them meet me or go see them often throughout the year. Family holds a special place in my heart and because of this I want a family of my own someday. What my family will look like doesn’t really matter to me if we are happy and have some pets with us. 

I plan to spend most of my days on the beach or traveling through the states to each major aquarium and zoo. As I make friends through my schooling and jobs, we would hang out doing things we love in nature like hikes or creating music. Someday I plan to produce a song start to finish and release it for the world to hear.

Bucket List: Chloe Manasco

I hope to graduate college with a high GPA and work as a registered nurse in the ICU. After a couple years  of experience, I want to become a travel nurse. Travel nursing has always been a dream of mine because traveling is one of my favorite things to do, and this career would provide me with a reasonable way to go to lots of new places. Some places that I would like to work as a travel nurse are New York, Maine, Oregon, Florida, and North Carolina. After gaining experience as a travel nurse, I plan on going to graduate school to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. Once I have built a career, I want to buy my dream car, a Mercedes GLC Coupe.

 I love music and would like to learn how to play piano. I already play violin, so I would enjoy learning how to play as many new instruments as possible. I would also like to learn to write songs and compose music. 

Throughout the next years in my immediate future, I plan to spend more time with my little brother, cousins, and other family. I also hope to have my own family someday after I have a stable career. Because I love traveling but also want to stay close to my parents, I would like to have two houses. One would be close to home and the other would probably be in Maine. 

I really enjoy the beach, so I would like to learn to surf at some point. I would also like to become a better cook. I enjoy baking, but I want to learn to make different kinds of foods. The most important thing I hope to do in my life is to continually grow as a person and never stop learning.

Bucket List: Christin Flory

One of the things I have always wanted to do, even since I was little, is to complete one of the most strenuous hunting challenges. This challenge is the North American Super Slam. It includes 29 big game animals recognized by Boone & Crockett. There have only been 173 registered recipients of the North American Super Slam. In doing this challenge, I could also complete the Grand Slam. This is when you bag the four types of North American sheep, (Dall Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Stone Sheep, and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep), in a single season. Hunting has always been a huge part of my life, and this would be an incredible accomplishment and an honor for me to complete.

Another place that I have always wanted to visit is Mach Loop in Wales. The Royal Air Force holds tactical training for military aircraft in this stretch of valleys where they can get from 100 to 250 feet from the nearest terrain. Visiting there also serves as a hiking trip, which is one of my favorite things to do. 

On the same trip, I would like  go through the Eurotunnel  to France. Not only is this an efficient route to get to my next destination, but it is also an extraordinary feat of engineering. The next destination is Omaha Beach in Normandy, France where the D-Day invasion took place during World War II. Another one of my favorite things to do is visit significant historical sites and this would be a huge one to check off the list.

Travel and outdoors has always been a huge part of my life and all these things take is one dream trip and lots of dedication of wildlife.

Bucket List: Deziray Elkins

As an honors student at Southern Arkansas University, I plan to graduate with a bachelor's degree in nursing. I would then like to further my education by receiving my license as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. 

Besides school and work, I have a few other things I would like to do in the future. One of those things includes skydiving! I would like to do other things that fall into that category as well, such as ziplining and bungee jumping. 

Because I have not traveled much in my 18 years of life, I want to travel to all 50 states. I would also like to visit a few places outside of the United States such as Mexico, Italy, and Egypt. The main reason is so I can try new foods! 

I used to play tennis and softball, so I would like to get back into those or maybe even learn to play a new sport. Being able to surf would be cool, however I do not have good balance. 

Art has always been a big part of who I am, but lately I have not been in touch with my artistic side. Getting back into that is on my bucket list as well. I have always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, mainly the guitar. 

I want to be financially stable enough to build my own house and have a lot of pets. Getting married and starting a family is also something that I would love to do. I want to be fit and healthy, along with kicking my bad habits. Finally, I would love to be able to support my family, especially my Granny, financially and emotionally.

Bucket List: Rachel Laughlin

As a college student my initial goal in life is to graduate from college with my Bachelors of Science in Forensic Chemistry.  

After graduating college, I plan to become a Forensic Scientist and work for the FBI. When I was younger, I wanted to be a lawyer and have my own law firm. This is still kind of a dream and if my forensics plan falls through it will give me something else to look forward to.  

Travel always calls and I would love to go to Italy, Rome, and Peru as they are my dream locations to go to.  

After I gain financial and mental stability, I want to get married and start a family. I want the best for my future children and that includes the best me for them as well. I want to break the continuous generational trauma in my family and that starts with healing yourself so you do not pass it further down the family line.  

Eventually I would love to buy my dream house and get a Doberman. I want to buy and fix up my dream car which is a 1967 Chevrolet Impala or a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T.  To achieve these goals, I want to become the best version of me and first finish college and gain mental and financial stability.

Bucket List: Abegayle Drabek


Coming to Southern Arkansas University, I hadn’t heard about the trips the Honors College takes multiple times a year. As my first semester has progressed, I have been more intrigued by these trips. I am going to try to go on the winter ski trip to Winter Park in Colorado in hopes of connecting with my peers in an exciting way. I have only been to Colorado once, but I was too little to remember, so I have always wanted to go back. Right now, I am in the process of getting my passport because it is my dream to travel Europe. Members of my family have been, and I want to experience the different cultures that Europe has to offer, too. Some key places I would like to go is Germany, France and Italy. These countries have always sparked my interest, so it will remain on my bucket list till I go. 

After I graduate from Southern Arkansas University, I wish to be able to take an internship abroad and learn about different diets that farm animals are on in different countries. I feel this can make me more successful as a nutritionist, because these countries could have smart and more cost-effective ways to get to the same goal that the United States aims to get when producing products on a large scale.

Bucket List: Kaitlyn Hill

I have many dreams that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime. First, I want to graduate college with close to a 4.0 GPA. Academic success has always been an important goal for me. 

After graduation, I would like to build my dream home. Being able to completely plan a house sounds challenging but also exciting. 

In addition, I enjoy traveling with my family or friends to visit new places, meet new people, and observe the different cultures across the United States and around the world. I have already been to twenty-six states, so I believe that I will eventually be able to accomplish my goal of visiting all fifty. I also enjoy traveling outside the United States and have been to several different nations. I would love to see the northern lights in Canada or Iceland during my lifetime. Europe is another destination that is still on my bucket list. 

I have considered becoming a private pilot and purchasing a plane for my world travels. Flying has always fascinated me, so I would enjoy being a pilot. Another one of my random life goals is learning to ski proficiently. When my family and I went to Colorado in 2021, we learned the basics of skiing. However, I was not able to master the sport because only a small amount of snow had fallen when we went. I would like to return someday soon and finish learning to ski. 

Finally, I want to become fluent and confident in Spanish communications. I can currently read and comprehend some Spanish, but I am not fluent in speaking or understanding it. Becoming bilingual has always been one of my major life goals.

Bucket List: Kersten Webb


I never really thought about a bucket list for my whole 18 years of living. But before my life comes to end, I am hopeful that I get to at least complete these things that are on my bucket list.

Some things I would really like to do would be:

  • Travel by airplane. I never wanted to get on an airplane, but I know some day I’m going to have to if I want to go to far places.
  • Parachuting is something that I would love to try because it can be a challenge to face your fears and excitement all at once. 
  • Be in a music video. This is a very random desire, but I want to be in a music video: I like the energy they bring when being recorded.
  • Meet Angel Reese or Kyrie Irving. Doesn’t really matter what professional athlete I met; it would be a joy but if I had a choice, it would most definitely be one of them. 
  • A place I would like to visit and stay for a good week would be either Paris or Jamaica.
  • Go to Africa to spend time with the kids.
  • Go on a cruise with my crew.
  • Go canoeing.
  • Ride in a hot air balloon with my soulmate.
  • Go to Florida and swim with dolphins.
  • Being able to play pro ball one day if I keep working hard.
  • Also, I always wanted to do rodeo activities, like barrel racing or riding a wild bucking horse.