SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and recently retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dhagouda, Sabin: Bucket List

             I   would  really  hate  it  if  in  my old age  I  would  regret  life  because  I  didn’t  do  more . That’s  where  the  bucket  list  comes  in. In  a  sense, if  our  life  was  a  test,  then  achieving  the  goals  from  the  bucket  list  would  be  like  getting  straight  A grades. I  don't  want  to  end  up  with  a  low  grade  in  my  life  so  I do  have  a  bucket  list  of  my  own.

               Unlike in the  movie,  I  am  pretty  sure  that  I  will  not  be  sharing  my  hospital  room  with  Jack  Nicholson, so  I  will  have  to  fund  my  bucket list  campaign  myself. So,  first  thing  in  my  list  would  be  to  complete  all  of  my  education,  get  a  nice  paying  job  or  own  a  profitable  company  which  would  help  me  pay  the  bills.

                The  second  item  on  the  list  for  me  would  be  to  play  guitar  for  The  Who  and  go  on  a  world  tour  with  them. Actually  I  would  like  to  go  on  a  music  world  tour  with  every  sensational  rock band  there  is  and  ever  was. Also,  I  get  really  nervous  when  I  play  in  front  of  a  crowd,  so  to  play  guitar  in  front  of  a  humongous  crowd  would  also  be  in  my  bucket  list.

                 Another  thing  that  I  would  like  to  do  is  to  save  someone’s  life  because  the  feeling  after  saving  someone  would  be  the  closest  feeling  there  is  that  can  be  felt  if  I  was  a  superhero. Well,  if  I  get  rich  enough,  maybe  I  could  become  a  crime  fighting  vigilante  like  Batman.  So,  next  time  you  see  a  crime  fighting  vigilante,  guess  what? That  could  be  me!

            These  are the items at  the  top  of  the  list  that  I  have  and  it  goes  on  and  on. In  fact,  there  is so much  stuff  that  I  would  like  to  accomplish  before  death,  things  that  makes  life  what  it  is.  Such as,  I  want  to  be  good  person  and  I  always  try  hard  to  be  one. I want to go  through  the  ups  and downs  of  life  and  stay  strong, travel,  start  a  family,  raise  good  kids,  and  eventually  grow  old  to  complete  my  bucket  list  without  any  regrets  before  I  kick  the  bucket.

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