SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Bucket List: Hannah Diffee


There are a number of things I hope to accomplish before I die. These often seem like things far out of my reach - unattainable dreams that will never be made a reality. However, I know that if I work hard in life, I can be successful and do many things that make me happy. Though I have so many goals swirling around in my mind, I have never compiled them into a full “bucket list.” So today, I will give you an idea of what my bucket list would look like. 

One goal of mine is to write a book. As a child, I fantasized about becoming an author. I loved reading and creating fantastical worlds of my own in my mind. Though I’m not as avid of a reader as I once was, I hope to be able to create captivating stories in the way my favorite authors do. To me, writing is an outlet. I feel like, if I really had the motivation, I could throw all my ideas into a short novel or children’s book.

Adding to that item, I would love to one day be published in a national news source. With my Mass Communication degree, I aim to enter the journalism field and be a newswriter. It would be amazing to see my name at the top of an article in TIME Magazine.

Another thing on my bucket list would be to travel to Greece. Greek culture is fascinating to me, and I enjoy learning about the country’s history. I would love to see the attractions that are so prominent in ancient stories and legends. The architecture is gorgeous, and walking through the cities would be like traveling to another world. I would also love to try all the food I can.

A final item on my bucket list would be to graduate college with high honors. I graduated high school summa cum laude, so I hope to do the same in college. I always strive to challenge myself academically. I enjoy being at the front of the crowd, and I don’t usually gain satisfaction from doing the bare minimum. I feel like true success isn’t measured by the outcome of your performance, but rather by the effort you put into achieving your goals.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Bucket List: Rory Lowther


Even though I’ve always thought about writing a bucket list so that I could document my goals in life, I never got around to doing it. However, this is my opportunity to express to other people what I want to achieve in this very short span of life, and hopefully it will inspire others to rise to the occasion of accomplishing their own goals.

Weirdly enough, my most important goal is to throw myself into a completely new environment, whether it be a new country or city, and to meet as many diverse people as I can. For this to satisfy me, I would want to meet people with completely different viewpoints from each other, and this will help me have a greater understanding of cultures I currently have no clue about.

Along with this, getting to listen to a famous composer such as Hans Zimmer or Max Richter in person would be fantastic, especially if I had the chance to watch them practice. Witnessing a craft such as directing for such a significant figure would allow me to partake in talent that I could only dream of achieving.

A simple but important goal would also be to either run a marathon or compete in a high intensity competition. I’m not particularly in shape right now, but to have such determination and endurance to complete a marathon is astounding to me, and it is something that if I put my mind to it, I could absolutely get done.

To finish it off, being able to retire early due to smart financial decisions throughout my life and settling down in a town away from everything would be the penultimate goal of my life. Reaching a state of peace through my dedication towards learning and through work would fulfill all my aspirations.

Bucket List: Isabella Bernard


For my entire life, I’ve been called a “dreamer” and told that I expect too many far-fetched things. To that, I say, “why not?” Is it not part of the human experience to dream? I suppose we all have different ideas of fulfilling lives, but I know mine includes fun experiences, living up to my full potential, and making a difference. My life is lived in the sense of checking off a never-ending bucket list I’ve started from consciousness to the present. There are fun, specific ones you’d expect such as swimming in Lake Tahoe, building a self-sustaining home, seeing any whale out in the ocean, and more, but these are minuscule compared to the major milestone ones. 


I dream of finishing my bachelor’s with a high GPA, going to graduate school, one to be proud of, and passing with flying colors. Beyond this, I want a job with a good cause that I excel at and will be able to afford to help my future child or children in doing the same. I hope to raise children who will grow up to be leaders in positive change for future generations and use my passion for humankind and the planet to spread awareness, advocate, help push policies that make society better, or anything else that I can. I want to live in a place with a wondrous natural environment. I’ve always dreamed of living somewhere beautiful where I want to be outside whenever I can and makes me happy to exist in each day. Specifically, I want to be an environmental lawyer with a J.D. from a high-ranking school, living somewhere like Colorado. Who doesn’t like Colorado? By the end, I hope that through all these milestones, I will have a partner with whom I’ve shared mutual support and love.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Bucket List: Cole Roberts

 My name Is Cole Roberts and I have a lot of things I want to experience or achieve. The first
thing, although not the most important, would be to skydive. Facing possible death provides a
greater gratitude for life. After skydiving, mundane stressors won't be able to compare. I predict I will love the exhilaration but gain a permanent appreciation for having my feet firmly planted on the ground.

I would love to plant a tree and take a picture each year of its growth. This collection of pictures
would serve to remind myself that consistent growth, no matter now small, will eventually carry me to the heights I strive to achieve.

I want to visit the tombs or memorials for some of my favorite historical figures and musicians,
as well as politicians and authors. Harriet Tubman, Malcolm McCormick, John Marshall and George Orwell are all on my list to visit. Great minds have shaped this nation as well as this
world. Taking time to remember and reflect on the accomplishments of these people is something I would love to do.

I want to learn slacklining, or tight rope walking. I have always admired the physical balance and
the mental poise required to balance and walk on such an unsteady object.

Another skill I want to achieve is to become fluent in Spanish. I can read and write a portion of
the language but I am wanting to carry out conversations with others entirely in Spanish.

Lastly, before I die. I want to spend a week in Bora Bora. I cannot think of a more beautiful
climate. The clear water and the white sand are the closest things I can imagine to Heaven on

Bucket List: Tori Burton


Bucket lists were a strange thing to me as a child. I would constantly wonder what the point was, when a person’s desires and goals changed so often from my perspective. Grasping the concept is easier for me now as an adult, because my own aspirations have grown more and more concrete as I grow older. After being witness to older family members passing, I have realized that my time is just as limited as anyone else's. A bucket list makes sense now, because I do have things that I want to do before I die. Perhaps, in laying them down to page, I can more easily reach these goals. Even if some might be unachievable, I do not wish to leave the world without my desires being known.

            I want to see the world, and all its many cultures, see what it truly has to offer outside of my miniscule experience. I wish to one day wake up and feel the warmth of someone who shares my bed, without worrying about what my parents think of them and me. When I look in the mirror, I hope I can one day see all the good things instead of the holes I dig into my own reflection. One day, I want to make something that inspires people. I want to create worlds for people to enjoy.

            I may not wish for grand things, but I want to have something tangible to look forward to. Even if they might not all happen, I would be happy to know I have made even the smallest impression on the world.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Bucket List: Aiden Harlin

 We often travel through our lives with a lack of direction. Many people realize towards the end they never achieved what they wanted to in their lives. I hope to never be at that point so it’s important I create a bucket list.

My first goal is a silly one. I want to wrestle a crocodile before I die. Dangerous, I know, but it has always been a dream of mine. Steve Irwin can be thanked for that.

My second goal is more down to earth. I have wanted a 1970 Chevelle for years. They are awesome cars, and they have one of my favorite body designs of any car ever. I hope to obtain one before I die.

My third goal is to finally complete an album. All of my musical projects over the years have either been lost or scrapped. It’s a shame because I really feel like I have a lot to say with my music.

My fourth goal is to have a happy marriage with at least two children. To me it is important to have a family, as I feel that life would feel very empty if I were never to have one. A family is fulfilling.

My fourth goal is directly tied to my last goal. I want to have a job making 6 figures. I hope that me and my family will be in a good place financially and be able to afford what we need and want.

With those things in mind, I can have a fulfilling life. I won’t have to look back and regret what I’ve done. I’ll be satisfied with how I lived, knowing I did the things I wanted to.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Bucket List: Brooke Burton

 So much to do and such little time. Time is precious and sacred. After enduring many hard times, one starts to realize the true importance of being present in the moment. That is why Ihave many experiences on my bucket list to do. What is the point of life if you’re not actively living it? 

 There is a difference between being here and living. I am going to make the most of my time here on Earth and try to help leave it a little bit better than I found it. 

Everyone has somewhere they want to travel on their bucket list. My place is Venice. It is fascinating to me how the main form of transportation is through their unique canals. When I go,I’ll take a nice relaxing boat ride and take in all of the beauty. It is known as one of the mos tserene travel locations. 

Music is a vital part of my life and I would love to pour my heart into a musical composition. It would be an honor to have a group of students that I teach play a composition that I would conduct. Music is a language that all people speak. I want to impact students andthose that hear it. Music moves people to change. 

Another goal of mine is to start a non- profit organization to aid those with Alzheimer's,cancer patients, and people that are afflicted with other diseases. Music has been proven to improve the patient’s quality of life in many different scenarios. The power of music evokes emotion and memories.There are many other bucket list items I have not included, but these are the most important to me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Bucket List: Jacob Stroman


When I was given the assignment to create a bucket list, I realized I had barely ever thought of anything I want to experience or accomplish in the future, and I immediately decided to do some brainstorming for things I want to do before I die.


The only thing that has been on my bucket list is my plan to have my own personal library in my house when I eventually buy a home. I have loved books since I was in 2nd grade, reading has been a big part of my life, and I have planned to have a library filled with all sorts of books in it for over 5 years. A few of the required books in the library include, They Called Us Enemy, Ender’s Game, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.


The second most important goal in my life is to run a marathon. I ran cross country and track in middle school and high school and always enjoyed running, running a marathon has intrigued me for years, but I never made a commitment to myself about it until I sat down and thought about what I want to do with my life besides going to college working and then retiring. While my personal library would represent how important knowledge is to me and the impact books have had on my life, running a marathon would be a physical representation of hard work and dedication, along with the importance of physical training in my life. I value exercise and sports very highly, and they have been a part of my life for as long as books have been.


While I only have two major goals right now, I will expand my bucket list in the future, as I continue to think of goals I have.

Bucket List: Turner Futrell


When some people think of a bucket list they think of wild and outlandish things.  Stuff that sounds like you are cheating death.  Something that even doing once sounds like it is a risk, but bucket list can have more than just crazy and thrilling ideas. 

First, I want a house out in the country.  Preferably out in an open pasture overlooking a pond.  I want it out on my family farm where I can go ride down the river in the evening and fish or just walk outside and start squirrel hunting.  Those fields and bottoms are my favorite place to be and spend time.  Second, I want a collection of my favorite classic trucks and cars.  I already have a 1982 K5 blazer, but there are so many more that I would love to have.  I would love to add a 78 K10 chevy to my collection along with a 78 z28 Camaro with T-tops and a 454 big block.  An early 1977s Pontiac trans am like the one the bandit had.  One of the more thrilling things I want to do is go sky diving.  Which is something most people would never even want to think about doing.  It would take me a moment to psyche myself up to jump but the adrenaline rush would be worth it.  I doubt there is much in this world that would compare to that.

Those are some of the things I want to accomplish in my life.  the first two are a whole lot tamer than the third.  Those are a few of the most important and most desirable things for me.

Bucket List: Stormie Stivers


When asked to come up with a bucket list, I draw a blank. I have never thought about creating a bucket list, but I do have a few goals that I would like to accomplish before my time is up. Every day comes with new goals, but for the sake of a bucket list I will only mention the long-term goals I have. 

     One of the most spontaneous goals I have is to cage dive. Cave diving is when you are lowered into the ocean in a metal cage to “swim with sharks.” Call me crazy, but cave diving has always been an interest of mine since I watched the movie 47 Meters Down.  Although the movie resulted in a bad ending for the cage divers, it sparked my interest in marine life and the idea of cage diving. 

    The majority of the rest of the goals on my bucket list are future related. My main goal is a series of short-term goals. These short-term goals result in the long-term goal. First, I intend to graduate college with honors and earn my bachelor's degree of science in pre-vet. After earning my degree, I plan to apply to Louisiana State University to attend vet school. Getting accepted to LSU vet school is the goal. The final goal to complete the series is to graduate from vet school and start my career as a veterinarian. I have always been told the career path is too difficult, but I'm determined to mark it off of my bucket list. 

    Overall, my bucket list is far from complete. With the pieces slowly falling into place, I am confident that each of my goals will eventually get checked off my bucket list.

McLelland wins SAU research grant

 Impacts of sedimentation, fecal coliform, total fecal chloral chloriform in small ponds is the title of Grace McLelland's research. It was recently awarded an SAU Research Committee grant.

The research is designed to sample "non point" impacts on several campus ponds. McLelland notes:

"This pollution of freshwater ponds can be divided into two types: point pollution which is an identifiable source of pollution where the pollution is discharged, meanwhile non-point pollution comes from multiple different places that run into a specific source but cannot be pinpointed."

She follows that up: "The interest is to see how the different areas of land affect the different ponds in sedimentation, fecal coliform, and total coliform in the ponds."

She hopes to collect, analyze, and present her data in a variety of fora including the Southern Regional Honors Council meeting in Charlotte, NC. That meeting will be held from March 30 to April 1, 2023.

Good luck!

Bucket List: Gunnar Bellinger


Whenever most people think of a bucket list, they think of things they want to do in the future; they think of something that seems almost unattainable yet attainable at the same time and placed everywhere in between. Whenever I think of a bucket list, I do not think of exotic adventures and once-in-a-lifetime experiences; I think of both the big and small things in life that would make me happy. 

I am determined to hear my name called from a stage at least two more times, surrounded by peers dressed in gowns and caps. I long to sit at a desk to call my own, surrounded by little trinkets gifted and given, discovered and collected from my trip along the way. I look forward to the day when I am able to look at others just beginning their journeys and can tell them I was there once and that they will be okay. I am eager to witness the fruits of my labor in whatever professional field I end up in, reaping what I sow as I put my whole heart into my work. I cannot wait to greet retirement like an old friend and live life to its fullest, to know that the glory days were both then but only a few of many more to come. 

Life is something that many take for granted so often. A bucket list to me is a list of the things that will complete you as a person in your life, a list of steps or ingredients to a life well lived. While they might not seem like things that are once in a lifetime to most, they are things that will be once in my lifetime; and that is enough for me. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Bucket List: William Ashcraft

When thinking about the concept of a bucket list, it’s difficult and almost intimidating to create a list of all the things I want to do before I die. What makes it even more challenging is the fact that my dreams and goals change frequently. My aspirations ten years from now could be entirely different from the ones I hold today. However, if I had to choose the things I would like to do before I die, I think I would want to graduate with an MBA, learn to draw, have a family, and become an author.

            I plan on graduating from SAU with an MBA. It’s more of a short-term goal, but one with long-term effects. Since I took multiple college courses in high school, I’ll be able to obtain my bachelor’s degree and MBA in four years.

            Also, I want to learn how to draw. It’s a much more trivial goal compared to getting an MBA, and I don’t have any grand ambitions of being an artist, but it’s a skill I’ve always wanted to learn. Currently, I have no artistic ability. The most I can manage is a squiggly stick figure, but I think with time and practice, I can improve.

            Perhaps the biggest goal on my list is to have a family. Not because it’s the one I strive for the most but because having one would have the greatest impact on my life. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be a wife and children. A wife and a couple of dogs would be enough for me.

            Finally, I hope to one day become an author. That may sound strange seeing as I’m a finance major pursuing an MBA, and I would have no issue going into such a field since I do enjoy it, but my goal is to eventually become an author, writing science fiction, fantasy, thrillers, or whatever else I feel like writing. Whether I’m able to make a living as an author or not isn’t of much concern, since I would mostly treat it as a hobby.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Bucket List: Darcy Ellerbee


When I think about creating a bucket list, it’s hard for me to narrow down what I wish to accomplish in my life before I die. My plans and my dreams change on the daily. However, if I had to narrow it down I would say that I want to travel to Italy, write a book and have it published, own a home and have a family of my own, and graduate college with honors.

Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of traveling to Italy. All I want to do is visit there even if it is only for a day. I want to experience the scenery and the food.

My second goal is to write a book. If I were to write a book, it would probably be a fantasy or fiction novel. There is no particular reason for this other than I enjoy writing and I want to share my work with people who might enjoy it as well.

 My third goal is to own a home and have a family of my own. Now, I use the term family loosely. I would be content with having a husband and a few cats and dogs with a house of our own on a piece of land somewhere.

Finally, for more of a short term goal, I wish to graduate college with honors. I graduated high school with honors, so I hope to do the same in college. I aim to graduate with at least a 3.8 or higher, so hopefully I can achieve that. I’m aware that it is much harder to do that in college than it is in high school , but I believe that if I work hard enough, I will be able to reach that goal.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

NCHC Day 3

 When one is on the road, eating becomes an issue. Where? When? What?

Typically, the prices at restaurants at large hotels are higher than those outside the hotel. At this NCHC meeting, however, such outside restaurants were scarce nearby. So, we had to Uber to them.

Unlike Magnolia (hah, hah) there was always a steady supply of Uber drivers nearby and their fares were reasonable. We found some nearby restaurants and enjoyed some good food.

At an upscale Italian restaurant we ate well. Here is my stuffed cannelloni:

But, before that we had a salumi and cheese plate that was laced with white truffle honey:

We also found a Mediterranean restaurant. I opted for the beef skewers:

So, if you want to try something other than SAU cafeteria food, be sure to complete your honors projects and submit them to NCHC in Chicago in November 2023 or to SRHC in Charlotte in March 2023.

Of course, eating was a diversion. We attended some worthwhile sessions too. We have been writing down some possible changes and additions we could implement at SAU. For example:

  • National Fellowships
    • These are money sources for students to study and travel. SAU honors students have earned such in the past but we want to expand our reach
  • More opportunities for SAU honors students to mentor other students
    • This might be by working more closely with our SSI program
  • Re-instituting and expanding SAU's full honors classes
    • Here, as always, money will be an issue
    • We hope to appeal to faculty to teach these as free overloads and allowing them to offer a full honors course on a topic they enjoy but could not teach as a part of their normal load
      • For example, I might teach: Animal awareness: There we'd examine questions such as Are animals aware? Do they think? How do we know?

 Honors students would then have a wider set of interesting courses they could take towards fulfilling the 24 honors hour requirement.

Suffice it to say that in addition to pleasing our palates we learned a great deal at this conference and hope to share it fruits with you and SAU soon.

Friday, November 4, 2022

NCHC Day 2

 Dr. Odendaal and I toured the JFK Sixth Floor Museum. We're thinking of planning an honors trip to Dallas in the spring.

Here is a bust of JFK

Here is the rifle Oswald used

Here is Oswald's shooting position on the 6th floor

Here is Jack Ruby shooting Oswald

Thursday, November 3, 2022

NCHC Day 1


Dr. Ursula Kamanga (L) chats with Dr. Antoinette Odendaal (R) at the Welcome Reception at NCHC 2022 in Dallas.

Dr. Kamanga teaches communication studies at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Earlier, she and Dr. Kardas attended the meeting of the International Education committee. We three met up later and the two South Africans even conversed in Africaans, briefly.