SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Honors College Graduates Three

The SAU Honors College graduated three students tonight: Prajit Hamal-Thakuri (Summa Cum Laude), Jeannette Oladji, and Melissa Day. Our best wishes go out to them for their accomplishments and we know they will do well in their future endeavors.

 Prajit Hamal-Thakuri
Bachelor of Business Administration

 Jeannette Oladji
Bachelor of Science

Melissa Day
Bachelor of General Studies

Friday, November 20, 2015

Langerbein best of chess field

Dr. Helmut Langerbein ponders his next move in today's speed chess match.

Mr. Kumar Kranthi, visiting chessmaster from India, declared Langerbein as the best of his opponents today.

Langerbein lamented that Kranthi had stymied one of his early moves by a bishop and that the rest of the match revolved around that move. Langerbein said he could never regain the advantage.

Five other players competed but none were able to best Kranthi.

CLICK HERE to see a short YouTube of serial play early in the matches.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Emerging Writers Read Their Original Works

Honors students about to read their original works, (L to R): Clai Morehead, Rae Jett, Kayla O'Neal, Kara O'Neal, and Talia Burton. (Not pictured honors graduate: Majesta Miles.)

SAU Honors College students were well represented at tonight's meeting of the Emerging Writers Club held in the Gallery of Brinson Hall.

Also reading works were SAU students: Johnson Abayomi Adams, Logan Anderson, Joshua Ayres, Sam Connelly, Carrie Huff, Ashley Lawrence, Angel Marshall, Arica-Ann Norzagaray, Serena Stradiota, and Hannah Trout.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Morehead, Hardy, and O'Neal at NCHC

Clai Morehead (top photo) and Zachary Hardy and Kayla O'Neal (bottom photo) discuss their posters with others at the 2015 NCHC meeting in Chicago

Three students, Clai Morehead, Zachary Hardy, and Kayla O'Neal attended the 50th meeting of the NCHC held recently in Chicago. Morehead's poster presented original research on the relationship of selfie taking and narcissism. O'Neal and Hardy's poster described the development of a board game designed to teach players about ancient civilizations.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Taylor McNeel wins national FFA presidency

SAU Honors College student and Hallman Scholar, Taylor McNeel (leftmost) after winning the national presidency of the Future Farmers of America (FFA)

Kudos go to Taylor McNeel from Vilonia, AR for her successful campaign to win the national presidency of FFA. Taylor has been a whirlwind of activity and success since first stepping on to the SAU campus.

This latest success will surely not be her last. All of us in the Honors College applaud her determination and grit.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Seabaugh, Haydn: Bucket List

     I won’t pretend that I have ever thought before this assignment about what I want to do before I die. It seems a little strange to worry about things like that. I already know that fulfilling all my desires won’t satisfy me while I am still living, and once I am dead, what will it matter to me that I accomplished in my life? The dead need nothing, crave nothing, and thus feel neither pride in their accomplishments in life nor regret in their failures.
     However, that is not to say I crave nothing. I would love to experience how it would feel to be weightless in space. I long to visit foreign lands. I want to see the beauty that both man and God have created. It would be amazing to create stories with characters that seem to leap right off of the pages into readers’ hearts. I want to create works that help others feel the same way.
     Alongside these wishes, some things I am already beginning to work into reality. I enjoy helping people whenever I see that they are feeling sick. By working toward becoming a nurse, I am expanding that desire a little farther. My dream to one day draw as well as the rest of my family has also begun coming true for me. A skill that I originally didn’t have has shown itself to some degree with just a little practice.
     While I previously may not have seen the point of making a bucket list, I can see how it can serve as a record of my ambitions and desires. It might help others to see that I was not just another man, but someone with unique desires; I was truly alive.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Etim, Esther: Bucket List

Everyone has a list of things they wish to accomplish in life, a set goal towards self-fulfillment. Esther Etim is my name, and I want to be able to look back at this paper I wrote at age 19. The late Christopher Reeve said “At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, then inevitable.” While growing up, I had dreams of which felt unattainable but that never stopped me from making plans I’d one day achieve. Firstly, I wish to obtain a degree from a university. I am currently an Engineering Physics and Mathematics major and I will strive hard to earn those degrees. I always like to stay motivated and not to give up because I believe I can do so much with my life if given the opportunity. 

Secondly, I would like to work with NASA or have a corporation which partners with them in the future. 

Thirdly, traveling around the world is one of the things I can actually see myself getting done because I am already a traveler. Traveling never gets old for me; I simply love it. 

Still another goal of mine, one really dear to me, is donating to the needy. It is better to give than to receive. Also, the needy deserve as much care as possible. They should know that, they too, are important to the world. 

As a matter of fact, I want not to be another somebody but to be the first one others look up to. I have always had that thought in my mind. I want to have a positive influence on wide variety and number of people. 

Finally, I love singing and one day I will balance my career as a physicist and as a successful singer. I wonder what reactions I will have reading this later on in life.

Pennington, Ranger: Bucket List

One of the worst things about existing is knowing that I will never be able to do everything I want to do. Ever since Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson set out to race against their own mortality and accomplish their veritable “bucket lists” in 2007, that term has been beaten to the ground by people who long to climb Mt. Everest and go skydiving. But climbing a mountain is hard work, and skydiving is scary.

    I prefer a more attainable bucket list. The first thing that comes to mind is to live in a coastal city. South Arkansas has its perks but I’ve been landlocked far too long. My visits to coastal regions have been few and far between, but I certainly prefer the ocean’s horizon to infinite pine trees. I’d also like to visit another country. People were sailing the seven seas and exploring uncharted territories long before the convenience of jet planes existed, so I’d have no excuse for myself if I were to die without exploring Earth beyond the United States. The last thing on my very short bucket list is to learn to play the harp, because they look neat and sound nice. Unfortunately, I’ve seen their prices and fear that my dreams of becoming the next Joanna Newsom may never be realized.

    If my bucket list remains incomplete as I draw my last breath, I won’t be upset. To me, the idea of such a list is innocuous and fun - far from the grave to-do list that some represent it as. However, I must admit that checking off the few items on my list would feel quite rewarding, so I’ll try my best to save some cash for a nice harp.  

Striplin, Luke: Bucket List

People want many things throughout their life and as they go through the years those things tend to change. The reason for bucket lists is to keep track of the things all really want in life even as they change as persons. Some people keep lists mentally while others write them down. Nevertheless, the idea is still the same--to keep track of life's goals before time on earth is up.
            The top item on my bucket list is to graduate with my math and computer science degrees from Southern Arkansas University in four years with a high GPA. I would also like to travel through Europe and Asia. I am interested in different cultures and believe that the best way to experience them is to travel and live in places like Italy, Greece, Germany, Korea, and Japan.
            Before I die, I would also like to create a program that can aid in putting a stop to cybercrime in the world. Like most people, I believe that crime is wrong and for criminals to be able to exploit and manipulate information that people believe is safe, such as bank accounts and online shopping, is an atrocity. It is important that crimes of this nature should be stopped, and I would like to be a part in the effort.
            My bucket list may not be very exciting to most, but to me it is something that will help me keep track of my goals as I go through my life. So even as I change as a person and continue through my life, I will be able to keep track of my goals, which is the real purpose of a bucket list.

May, Colton: Bucket List

       Everyone has a list of things that they would like to accomplish before their life is over, a bucket list. There are many things that I would like to accomplish in my life, but there are a few that stick out. Before my life is over, I would like to become an engineer, take a world tour, and visit every MLB park.

            Being a mechanical engineering major, it is obviously a goal of mine to become an engineer. I enjoy challenges, and I love the rewarding feeling I get when I put a lot of effort into something and I get to see the results. Above all, I love helping people. I want to better our society and I want people to benefit from the things that I accomplish.

            I would also like to take a world tour one day. There are so many incredible sights to see, and it would be a very awesome experience to go see everything. I particularly would like to go to Europe. I want to go see the Eiffel Tower and all the other amazing sights this earth has. 

            The goal I want to accomplish the most in my life is to visit every MLB stadium in the nation. I have loved baseball since I was a child so this would be very enjoyable for me. When I graduate college, I am going to try to go to a couple stadiums every summer and I can’t wait to get started on it.

            A person’s bucket list will tell you a lot about them. I think my bucket list says that I am a very diverse person. I enjoy many different activities, and I want to accomplish these things and more before I “kick the bucket.”

Monday, October 12, 2015

Brummett, Logan: Bucket List

            Many people have long bucket lists; they have many things to do before they die. I, however, have a short bucket list. There are two goals that I really want to achieve before I die, and while these two goals may seem difficult, I believe that both of them are reachable. I want to make someone’s favorite game and I want to go to outer space.

            Now, I do have a rough plan of how I will complete these tasks. As I am going into the growing industry of video games, making someone’s favorite game is only a matter of time. This is assuming that I land a job and eventually make my name known in the business. Now depending on how many games I will be able to make before I die and how hard I work at becoming a great game maker, and with the sheer number of people in the world, someone will eventually love one of my games. With the sudden rise in indie games and growth of the industry it won’t be hard for me to get my games on a market somewhere. Now with the Internet and the spread of information, if build a fairly big fan base, I will be able to make a lot of money from my trade. 

            The advances in space travel and the acceleration of technological growth in our modern society will eventually lead to private spaceflight becoming a common occurrence. Already there are companies turning space travel into an industry, and as more companies offer private spaceflight these companies will seek better ways to send people to space for less money. These factors will eventually make space travel, maybe not common, at least affordable for a successful video game developer.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Swift, Mark: Bucket List

         The first item on my bucket list is starting my own business. I have always dreamed of creating and selling my own products for others to use. Finding ways to make everyday tasks easier has been a goal of mine from a very young age. Searching for ways to fix problems has always been an enjoyment of mine, and I’d love to share my ideas with people in the future.

         Another item on my bucket list would be to visit every major league baseball park in the American and National leagues. Baseball has also been a passion of mine from a very young age. So, it is no surprise that I would jump at any opportunity involving traveling to baseball stadiums. Fortunately, I am a pitcher on the SAU baseball team. With a little bit of luck, I could end up playing at some of these stadiums one day. Until then, I will keep saving money to go on the experience of a lifetime.

         While I’m on the topic of traveling, I have always found myself daydreaming about visiting Europe one day. I have always been intrigued by the history of the European Theater of World War II. I would like to visit one day some of the battlefields and memorials in Europe. At the same time I'd explore many of the other historical landmarks that are spread across the continent.

            My final item on my bucket list would be to skydive. Many friends have done this before and they claim it to be the single most exhilarating event of their lives. Heights have never bothered me, but I’m still not too sure how I feel about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with just a parachute to protect me.

Hamal, Pranit: Bucket List

Life has many stages. People must face various challenges to be successful in their lives. Some make bucket lists either in writing or only in their minds. The main idea of a bucket list is to decide or plan the things to do before dying. Having a bucket list helps envision life goals making them easier to achieve. 

I have always dreamt of  becoming a computer programmer. So, the first item on my list is to graduate from the Computer Science program at Southern Arkansas University with 4.0 GPA in 3.5 years.

Another item on my bucket list is to join the army. Since childhood I have been really interested in becoming a soldier. The discipline, loyalty, respect, and personal courage soldiers must possess motivates me. I would like to join US Army Corps of Engineers, among other things, they develop computer software for hydrologic engineering.

Traveling is my passion. I would like to travel all seven continents. I like to learn other cultures, taste different foods, learn languages, meet new people, and gain more knowledge by doing so.

Skydiving is one of my favorite sports which I have yet to experience. Jumping from an aircraft and performing acrobatic maneuvers in the air during free fall before pulling the ripcord is awesome. I would like to experience it from the bottom of my heart.

My bucket list is not that exaggerated and long, but I believe that if I put in all of my efforts I can achieve every one of these goals and be successful in life. Finally, I only have one life and I need to do something great and interesting with it!

White, Jordan: Bucket List

Life is exciting and people say life is short, so make the best of it. One way is with a bucket list, a list of personal wishes to achieve before death. In my life, I want to travel the world, help the helpless with mission trips, and drive drag racers or just go fast somehow.

Traveling is a great adventure, it provides a different view of the world and shows how other people live out their lives. Traveling provides knowledge and appreciation of this beautiful, created world. Seeing different cultures, trying new foods, and enjoying a variety of scenery is the beauty of traveling. It is even more exciting to travel to other countries. I have done so on mission trips. 

Mission trips are where my heart is. I have traveled out of country nine times to help the helpless and I plan to keep traveling to serve others. I traveled to Jamaica last summer where I helped build a house for a Jamaican family. As I said, mission trips are still on my bucket list and I know they will remain there. 

Finally, my on the adventurous side of my bucket list is the desire to just go fast. I want to either drag race, fly a plane, or drive a motorcycle really fast. I have always loved speeding, which is not a good habit, but it is something I enjoy and plan to achieve one day. 

I have an adventurous life already, but I enjoy it and try to make the most of it. I hope to keep serving in the mission field and give people all the help I can. I also hope one day to travel the world to see beautiful places, and hope to go fast in some type of vehicle.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

McDowell, Joseph: Bucket List

            If there is one thing that all humans have in common it is the fact that all will eventually reach the end of the line and die. Another aspect in common is that all have things to do before passing on. This would be referred to as a bucket list. Some strive for greatness on their lists while others, like myself, want only to make a difference in the world and have a minute bit of fun along the way before dying.

            My bucket list is mostly about my desire to leave a mark before I die. The top pick for my bucket list is to make a difference in the world by joining Doctors without Borders and saving lives in developing countries.

            Item number two would be to start a family and live out the American dream with them. Number three on the list is for my future wife and I to travel and see the Great Wonders of the world. Number four would be for me to make enough money to live comfortably and not to want for anything.

            Bucket lists fulfill the dreams of their makers. Such lists give people a sense of accomplishment so they can realize that they have lived a full and happy life. I can personally vouch for that view. My list should make me feel better about dying by testifying that I have left a mark on society and left a happy family in my wake. That is the most I could ask for, to leave this world in a little better shape than I found it.

Good, Sera: Bucket List

Before I perish from all I’ve ever known on this Earth I have a few tasks I’d like to cross off my bucket list. While some may be more difficult to complete than others I fully intend complete them all.
First of all, they are many significant people I would delight in meeting before I die. The list includes, but is not limited to: Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rachel Maddow, Louis C.K., J.K. Rowling, and Bill Nye. All of these individuals have had a great impact on my life, ranging from building my childhood to jump starting my adulthood. This is a group of truly influential minds and it would be an absolute honor to shake the hands of every one of them.
Lastly, there are countless locations I would like to visit around the world. Travel is my one true passion and the list of places I have to go is immeasurable and never-ending. To this date, I have never even left the country. I plan to change that as soon as I get the chance. I will travel and never stop. Sure, I may stay in one place for a year or two, but until I am timeworn and frail I don’t plan to settle down in a home anywhere. Fiji, Dubai, London, Hawaii, Rome, Japan, Buenos Aires, and Cairo are just a few major places of interest.
The whole purpose of my bucket list is to grown intellectually, spiritually, and socially. I believe there are too many beautiful places, filled with beautiful minds, filled with many beautiful ideas that I don't want to miss a single one. I can’t and won’t sit in the same place as always, doing the same old things. I have to go and disturb the universe.

Johnson, Trenton: Bucket List

I must admit, before you asked for this written submission of a bucket list, I had given the idea of creating some thought one over several late nights. Now, I am able to produce a close-to-the-heart list and impart some of the things I wish to do before I fade off into nonexistence.

First and foremost, I want to become a teacher in a foreign nation, preferably Greece, Egypt, or maybe even Dublin. Although I am a finance major currently, one day I wish to go back to school and teach history.

Something else already on my bucket list is go to India with my girlfriend to explore the country, visit with its people, and mess around with some elephants along the way. She seems to have a great fascination with elephants which I don’t mind at all. It’d be nice to ride a few and maybe participate in the yearly Jaipur Elephant festival. Spending some time in Russia is also on my bucket list, so is seeing the Amazon.

I see that traveling seems to be the bulk of my bucket list. I’m perfectly fine with that, as long as my girlfriend is along with me on the way.

Kirksey, Anna: Bucket List

Sitting down to write just a short bucket list is a difficult task because there are countless items I could list. These following are only a few on my consistently growing bucket list.

One of the items on my bucket list is to travel to places I find intriguing in the United States and in other countries. My senior class trip last May to Washington state (including Seattle) really awakened my desire to travel and to immerse myself in different locations and cultures. Some of the places I am dying to visit are Spain, Italy, Japan, and Australia. 

Another item on my bucket list would be to write my own novel or book series. Reading has always been one of my favorite hobbies and I thoroughly enjoy being immersed in a fictional world for hours on end. So, I would love to create an imaginary world of my own.

In four years I plan to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in the major of my choice. Finally receiving a degree that I will have worked diligently for throughout all of college will be a major accomplishment for me. Even though I am not entirely sure what my major will ultimately be, I hope I can someday find a career that I am truly passionate about and that I wholeheartedly enjoy. 

Eventually, I do wish to settle down and have a home and a family of my own. I would like to live in a location that brings me happiness and success in my career. Lastly, before my days on this earth are over, I hope to have made my life meaningful and lived as much of it as I possibly can to the fullest.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dudley, Allen: Bucket List

            I personally don’t have my own bucket list; although my brother, father, and I did all agree on a couple of things that we wanted to do together before any of us bit the bullet. Because my father has already passed, my brother and I have decided that we will carry on that bucket list to honor him. The three of us were die-hard football, bowling, and racing fans, so that’s what this list is centered around. 

First up, we all wanted to watch a high school football game in every state of the Union. High school is football's best level if you want to see true competition for the love of the sport.

Our next objective was to bowl at most of bowling alleys in the country and to keep track of who consistently scored the best. My brother and I both knew our dad had that one in the bag. 

            My brother and I have attended NHRA Drag Races in Ennis, Texas with our mom and dad all of our lives. We loved the sight, feel, and adrenaline rush provided by the speed, competition, and loud noises. At one point we would like to exceed 160 MPH, minimum in a street legal vehicle. More than likely that will have to be on the Autobahn in Germany.

            The last objective has already been attained since my father passed. We restored our dad’s prized vehicles, a ’67 Chevy C-10, his first vehicle, and an ’81 Chevy Camaro, the first vehicle our mom and he purchased together. Now that they are restored, we intend to make a cross-country trip in them.

Diffee, Grant: Bucket List

YOLO has been used to justify stupid actions, but it raises a valid point; my only life is the one I’m living. Why not make the most of it? The concept of a bucket list comes into play here.
            Before I die, I would love to visit every continent, especially with my Abuelo. This past summer I had my first trip outside of the U.S. when I flew to Europe. I saw the beauty of the European landscape and was able to visit various historic landmarks, including Checkpoint Charlie. I got to know my Abuelo personally for the first time. If I could see other places with the elder who showed me life outside the U.S. firsthand, that’d be a dream come true.
            I would also love to become a proficient bass player. I’ve played the bass for about two years now. From strumming the strings to slap-and-pop, I am filled with joy as I play this wonderful instrument. Players such as Geddy Lee and Les Claypool influence my playing to this day. Reaching their level of success would be a hard but rewarding task.
            However, the former items do not come close to my number one goal: creating my own cartoon. Animation has influenced me since I was a kid. From Looney Tunes to Steven Universe, I enjoy the old cartoons and new ones alike. These shows have brought me and others joy across our lives. It would be amazing to entertain others the same way these shows have entertained me.
            Everyone in life has different goals. Whether it’s accumulating wealth or just owning a house, all want to reach them before dying. My goals may not be the most extraordinary, but they’re ones I want to achieve no matter what.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Stacy, Brent: Bucket List

         I do not exactly have a complete bucket list and I am not really sure what order the items on my bucket list should be in. Several of them could end in terrible accidents and maybe death; most involve fears I have now or had in the past.

         The first items involve cars. I have always been fascinated with speed, so naturally I would like to exceed two hundred miles per hour in a car. I would also like to drift in a car. Also, owning a Koenigsegg or McLaren car one day would be nice.

         Next are things that deal with heights. As a child I was deathly afraid of heights, now that I have conquered that fear I would like to go skydiving. I would also like to go bungee jumping, preferably off of a tall bridge. I would like to visit the top floor of a skyscraper. 

         The last items involve travel. I have always wanted to visit other countries and partake of other cultures. I would like to visit at least two other countries besides America. Possible stops include Japan, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, or Australia. I would also like to learn at least two new languages, perhaps Japanese, German, Swedish, Hebrew, Egyptian Arabic, or French.

          My Bucket list conveys my inspirations from childhood and my aspirations as an adult. This is who I am.

Harvey, Stormi: Bucket List

As I imagine the rest of my life I recognize my perspective is extraordinarily full of vivacity. I am extremely passionate about my personal endeavors and the fulfilment of my goals in so many areas that I feel 300 words are hardly enough to get my major aspirations across, conversely, I’m up for the challenge.

Intuitively, I am electrified by the thought of places I have not yet been. More than anything I want to travel around the world and drive cross country. I want to be exposed to new cultures, meet people from all walks of life, and experience the wonders of the world first hand. Granted, of all the places I would like to travel heaven is number one.

            Another one of my obsessions in life is music. I have an unfathomable love for music, which steers me to support artists, to expand my guitar ability, write lyrics, and open my own music venue one day.

After I receive an honors degree in marketing from SAU, I’d like to have an array of different professions as well, such as real-estate, marketing, and design. I aim to be able to invest and live very comfortably, while being equally philanthropic.

One extremely important facet to my bucket list and my life thus far is family. Continuing to support, love, stay close, grow, and share experiences with my family is a major priority in my life.

Furthermore, I would like to be remembered by outstanding performance, whether it be on the course for the SAU golf team, in the classroom, in friendships, affiliations, or future occupational tasks and other endeavors. As a consequence, I hope this performance will lead me further to the places I strive to progress towards in life.

Cook, Greggory: Bucket List

            My bucket list consists of activities that can mostly be assigned to three categories. The first and largest category is military related. Following that are a number of random, useless activities, then exploring new experiences with my father would end the list.
 My life goal is to build a better weapon for out armed services. I would like to be remembered with Samuel Colt and Mikhail Kalashnikov. Outside of that, I want to go on a High Altitude Low Opening jump or wing suit base jumping. I am terrified of heights and think the adrenaline rush would be amazing. Some of my more predictable military goals are to pilot an A10 Thunderbolt on a strafing run, drive an M1A2 Abrams tank through a wall, shoot an M2 machine gun from a moving Humvee, and take a mile long shot with a .408 CheyTac Intervention rifle.
One of the more random things I would like to do is walk through the Vatican in a tuxedo, glasses, carrying an umbrella, and taking notes on a clipboard. I feel like this would be the peak of randomness in my life. I would like to drop a cell phone off of Taipei 101 building with a videoconference going so the person I was speaking could see it falling. I also want to eat a Kobe beef filet mignon that has been slow roasted over a lava flow in Hawaii.
 Finally, walking through the Ferrari factory with my dad would mean a lot to me. I would also like to drive the autobahn with my father, although I don't think he would be as happy as I would. All in all, my bucket list is mostly self-centered and does not benefit society, but I feel like achieving these goals would make my life more worthwhile to me.

Johnson, Courtney: Bucket List

I will be writing of the top things on my bucket list. A bucket list is something that you plan to do or hope to accomplish before you die. The top things on my bucket list would have to be to graduate college, have a great paying job afterwards, and travel to the Bahamas.

Graduating from college is at the top of the list because it is such a great accomplishment. I know for a fact that my first couple of weeks here have been a little tough and different. With the work and class schedule it’s nothing like high school. Here, more effort and work is expected, so, graduating is a must.

Second is having a great paying job. Everyone needs a one. In the future there’s a great possibility of children coming into play, which means I would have a family to provide for. I wouldn’t be able to provide for them without a good paying job. Plus, I like to spend money, so I know the future will be a little more expensive than it is now.

Last, but not least, is that trip to the Bahamas. After accomplishing the two above, what better way to reward myself than to take a trip to this beautiful place of relaxation? From the advertisements and pictures I’ve seen, the Bahamas would be the perfect place to escape to for a few days.

So there’s not too much on my bucket list, nothing too major or out of reach. If I stay focused and keep a level head on my shoulders, I know everything will to fall into place. My bucket list is just the beginning of what I plan to do with this wonderful life of mine. What’s on your bucket list?

Dailey, Ethan: Bucket List

The first thing on my bucket list is definitely to get my MBA in either marketing or management. Helping other people achieve their financial goals has been something I've liked ever since I took economics in high school. Money is what makes the world go round. This is my motivation to learn as much I can about it during my lifetime. 

The next thing would have to be to become good at trading stocks. I already have a bit of knowledge about the stock market, but I want to master the art of day trading. Although its a long and grueling task it has always intrigued me. I have played around with stock simulators for a few years and read a few books on it. I just hope to one day be good enough to flip over thousands of dollars everyday.

My third thing is to go skydiving. Not so much for the thrill of it, but more so to face my undying fear of heights. I can’t even walk over bridges without my stomach turning. I would definitely need some of my friends to go with me on that one, not for support but to force my butt out of the plane. 

Lastly, I want to settle down with a family. I’ve matured enough to realize that the party life is not for me anymore. I got that out of my system in high school. It's time to focus on my future and to do what’s best for me in the long run. That’s why money is so important to me. Not just a family, but a hot wife would be nice also.