SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Bucket List: Jacob Kaminsky


I have not though much about a bucket list in the past, but this assignment has made me think about the things I’d like to do before I die. I want to go skydiving which most people want to do but have never done. I want to skydive or bungee jump for the thrill, for the dopamine rush, for the exhilaration of free falling. I know I’ll be scared but I’ll overcome my fear. 

Nature is one of my prime enjoyments in life. Hiking, especially, grounds me and reduces my stresses. I’d like to hike in an exotic place such as a rainforest to experience a type of nature different from the area where I currently live 

Going to  Comic Con in Orlando is on my list. I am a super huge nerd and I love superheroes and anime too. At Comic Con I could be my true self myself and indulge in one of the many things I love in life, the world of fantasy and my dreams as a kid. 

My true dream in life is to be an actor. So being in a movie is another item on my bucket list. I would not care whether the film was popular. I love action movies and superheroes and have long wondered what it would be like to play one in a movie. I can imagine acting as Spiderman or another superhero. Acting might make me question reality itself, what an insane thought.  

These are the items on my bucket list so far and hope to expand it.

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