SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Bucket List: Evan Reel

 1. Creating my own successful video game, doesn’t need to be a smash hit, just recognized by at least a small niche group of people

2. Moving away from my home town of Texarkana

3. Make a career out of 3D modeling

4. Learn how to cook good

5. Learn how to play the piano

6. Get my own Keytar and learn how to play it

7. Start a Youtube Channel (doesn’t even have to be famous, just to have an outlet)

8. Get a home at Shreveport

9. Produce my own short film

10. Learn how to paint

Bucket List: Andrew Wood

For my bucket list, I don’t really have anything short-term because I see my life moving
too quickly to focus on the “Now.” In just 2 years I’ll graduate. In just 2 ½ years, I’ll be working
what I hope to be a fairly stable job. In about 3-5 years, I hope to be married, and all of these
hopefully combine to my happiness.

Getting good grades is something I always strived for in high school. I tried making as
high of grades as I possibly could to get into college, but now that I’m here, I realized that I still want to make good grades. Not just because of something like honors college, but because I
want to truly live to the best of my abilities, and doing that for me means to get A’s and B’s in

My future job is something I fantasize a lot about. I hope to be making at least $70,000
when leaving college, and hopefully working my way up to the $100,000+ range. Making money
to me means that I have shown I can succeed in something and I put in a tremendous amount
of work, corresponding to my pay. I want to show myself I can do it, and the best measurement I can personally make for myself is the compensation I can get for the work I put in.

Marriage has always been something I’ve looked forward to. I want the love of my life to
show up one day dressed in all white and have that magical moment in front of our families. I
plan to wait until I am in a stable economic situation before doing it, but either way it pushes me to want to be great. Being great for yourself is one thing, but when you’re doing it for someone
else makes a major difference in my opinion.

Being happy is a hard thing to put on my bucket list because it’s not just a basic
happiness. I have happiness every day, but once my life has been put into motion, I have a
high-paying job, I have a wife, hopefully a kid, and I see myself as truly “Making it”, then I think I can finally say I am content and I will not just have momentary happiness, but I will be truly

At some point in my life, I want to go to graduate school. I’ve considered doing it right
after my undergraduate. I’ve also considered doing it as soon as I get my first job. But right now, I am most likely going to do it when I have been working for around 3 years. At that point,
adding a masters degree seems the most beneficial, and it doesn’t cut into my time as a new starter to the industry.

Overall, these are my goals. Going skydiving or having a fridge full of gatorade don’t
really appeal to me, but the constant thoughts on how to become the best me I can be for both
myself and my future family stand firm as the main, and only, things I can really say speak to me for a bucket list.

Bucket List: Monet Coppersmith

 I have many things on my forever-growing bucket list, but here are some main ones:
I want to continue to travel and visit as many places as possible. My main areas of interest are
Greece, Japan, Scotland, Egypt and Antarctica. However, I do not only want to see the world,
but leave a positive impact everywhere I go, whether this is through my art, service work or
connecting with the people living there.

As I mentioned before, I want to leave a large positive mark before I pass on. I would be
content with my life knowing I made people's lives easier and happier, including my own. It
starts with small actions, such as giving a dollar or holding the door, but the goal is for it to
transform into larger ones, such as curing a disease or improving the realities of equality. I want to
be known and remembered for something good.

Feeling content/happy:
This last one may seem more like an ideology than a bucket list item, but for me it is something
to chase after and accomplish. True happiness comes with being content no matter your
circumstances. I aspire to get to this point, along with completing my dreams and goals. I will be
satisfied when they are completed, which is why my final bucket list item is to complete a bucket

Bucket List: Megan Riffe

 Graduate from SAU
● Get accepted into a Doctorate program
● Graduate with a Ph.D. in Chemistry
● Visit Europe
● Visit Japan
● Travel Elsewhere
● Move out of the US
● Build a Happy Family
● Go to a Pop Culture Convention

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Bucket List: Ashlyn Broughton


When many people think of bucket lists, they think of many extravagant activities or tasks that they want to complete before they die. When trying to craft my bucket-list, I find that I have many small tasks or goals, but I spend most of my time thinking about large goals and accomplishments that I was to achieve. Many people might see my goals as small or non-extravagant but to someone who grew up sheltered or under the circumstances that I did, these are very big things.


For starters, an item on my bucket-list is to graduate college, and I know that it may seem normal but I am a first generation college student. An even larger goal that I have is to obtain financially stability and be able to live comfortably; Many smaller goals go into that one goal such as obtaining a degree and finding a great job. Like many I want to get married and have children before I die, and give them everything in life that I did not have growing up. 


 I also have some activities that I would like to take part in before I die. I am scared of heights and terrified of getting on a plane, but eventually I want to get over my fear and try it. I would also like to make an appearance and debate about politics on CNN, MSNBC, or FOX. There are many skills that I would like to obtain before I die including learning how to skate, driving a stick-shift truck, becoming fluent in Spanish, and learning more about stocks.

Bucket List: Tia Logan


Speak in Spanish (better) without second-guessing myself with pronunciation. I can read and understand what’s being said in writing and when spoken, but I’d love to be able to have an ongoing conversation in Spanish without fearing mispronunciation and making many mistakes.

Go on a Hawaii vacation with some friends. This seems like lots of fun.

I want to go to The Neighbourhood or a Tyler, the Creator concert. I’ve already been to a Harry Styles concert about a year ago– it was an unforgettable experience, I definitely want to go to more shows and get better seats. Now that I can have a job on campus and save money, I want to aim for the front row of my top 2 favorite artists.

Own a Camaro. Ever since I was like, 8, I’ve been in love with them. The Transformers movies are actually what made me love the car, to be honest. In the future, I plan to own one and have it custom-wrapped, and maybe have the transformers emblem in the same spot Bumblebee had his, just for the nostalgia.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bucket List: Madeline Reynolds


Creating a bucket list is quite a difficult task for one such as myself. As someone who dislikes thinking about getting old, losing memory, eventually death, a bucket list seems like the exact thing to trigger anxiety for the next three weeks. Alas, I have to so I can pass, so I am going to center my list around things I can do long before I age out of the ability. 


To begin, I would like to complete my family tree on both sides. For the Reynolds side, this is easy, as the records are very well kept. My mother’s side, however, is obscure and confusing. I think it’s important to comprehend where you originate from. 


The second item on my list is to go sky diving. I am basically scared of everything, yet heights don’t scare me.


Third up on the list is to hold an Atlas moth. This one seems very out of place, I know, but to understand it you must understand me. I adore moths (favorite animal genus) and holding big moths is a dream of mine. I would have been an entomologist if it had paid more. 


My fourth item is to go mining. Another strange one, but once again it relates heavily to a strange obsession of mine. I love rocks. Not in the ‘crystal energies’ type of way, but the geology type of way. It amazes me how the Earth can just create these gorgeous structures. 


The final item on my list is quite possibly the most important one, but I would like to become an aunt. I don’t wish to have any kids of my own (if I change my mind I’d adopt instead), but I would love to spoil one of my sisters’ kids as the “cool aunt with the pool.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Thomas and Zghair Publish!

Honors student Aspen Thomas and assistant professor of industrial engineering Hayder Zghair recently published an article in the Proceedings of the 7th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering.
Aspen Thomas
The article was titled: Inflow-Outflow Net Equivalents for Recovery Point Analysis
of Improvement Model.
Here is the Abstract:
One of the major expenses to operate facilities is the cost of energy. An education enterprise such as school facility requires every year major budget consideration for the consumed electricity; especially, facilities need to be powered day long. This project tries to an analysis of adding basic improvement technology for dorms in a typical public-school by using investment recovery approach. Equivalents flow model has been developed to the consumed electricity system for five years term, and used to test the improvements. Analyzing the result showed the payback period is 6.275 years while the lifespan of windows tint on average lasts 10 years, therefore investing in this technology instillation is strongly supported decision to decrease the amount of electricity consumed which provides more saving in the budget as a result of annual evaluation. 
View the entire article here Thomas and Zghair, 2022 
Congrats to both. 
FYI, the Honors College provided partial financial support for the research. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Bucket List: Jade Dillard


Before I “kick the bucket,” I would like to do several things. Most of these things are not exactly “thrill-seeking” in a way that’s traditional. I have anxiety, so pretty much everything is thrill-seeking. Ha ha.
• First, I would like to go abroad for a year or two (or forever) to New Zealand or Japan. I enjoy learning new languages and their culture.
• Going to Japan to visit, even, would be exciting. I’ve been learning Japanese for nearly a decade now.
• Adopt another cat or a dog. One that doesn’t shed or isn’t very hyperactive.
• Go on a cross-country trip with some of my friends. See the Grand Canyon and Pike’s Peak. Get another one of those mountain donuts.
• Hike a good percentage of the trails in Arkansas.
• Go to a huge convention (i.e., TwitchCon or VidCon).
• Graduate college as one of the top students in my class.
• Buy a house (and a Queen-sized bed to go in it).
• PORCH SWING to also go to the house.
• Travel in a hot air balloon, preferably not alone with the person guiding it.
• See Car Seat Headrest, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Cheekface live at a concert.
• Start my own graphic design business and have several businesses.
• Intern below a local graphic designer.
• Go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed, so I can finally be at peace with my disorders.
• Find somebody to marry, or at least to live with. Marriage is optional.
• Build a greenhouse and maintain plants.
• Find a personal trainer to help me reach my health goals.
• Overall, just become a healthier person despite the plethora of disorders and disabilities holding me back. It’s one of my biggest wants in life.
• Sell my own designs in the form of stickers, posters, or decals. Any of that would be awesome.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Bucket List: Lakken Caffey


Cross country road trip

I want to travel across the country with close friends.  I want to see new places and things and I want to experience it with people I care about; it would bring so many new memories and experiences.

Live big city life

My goal is to settle in a big city like Boston or Seattle, even if its just for a few years. I feel places like that just have something to offer other than what I’ve experienced in my hometown or college town.

Make something

I want to make something expressive of myself. While I don’t know exactly what, I want to have a project I can call my own and put into the world in some way, weather it be a painting, book, video game, or film I want to be able to put a piece of me or my ideas out there in a big way.

Find myself

I hope I can feel comfortable in my own skin one day. I think this will always be a work in progress, but self-growth is important to me. I want to do good on this earth and hopefully recognize myself as an individual I am proud of all around.

Bucket List: Brodie Gholson

 My bucket list is nothing special; I have a few things I want to accomplish, and I will do anything to strive for those goals. 

I want to learn Italian on my own in order to eventually move to Italy with my betrothed. Together, we will be able to accomplish my dreams.

Another important goal I wish to seek is to become proficient at making things. I want to be able to design, code, draw, or write anything I wish. I want it to be successful too, but that isn't a requirement.

Lastly, and this may seem a little farfetched, but I wish to try many different meats and foods. I want to taste alligator jerky, kangaroo meat, ostrich, partridge, pheasant, pigeon, quail, guinea fowl, bison, goat, jellyfish, boar, yak, horse, bear, python, and many more. If it's edible, I want to try it.

Many people have a bucket list, and I'm no different. I want to live a life with purpose. I hope every person who reads this can accomplish the same.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bucket List: Emma Melvin


While there are an infinite number of things I would like to do in my life, for a bucket list I want it to be realistic. I want to be able to complete it one day and have something to look forward to.  

Starting off I want to complete college and find a decent job, a basic one but still something decently hard to complete without effort. Having that stability will help me complete the other things on my list. 

Next is to build a house, a big thing but it is something important to me. I guess going along with the boring adult stuff, marriage is also on the list. But so far that’s just basic things almost everyone wants. 

One thing I really want to do is spend a night somewhere far out and just watch the stars. That’s my version of appreciating nature without having to go out into the woods or something.  

Back to boring stuff, I would like to go beyond in my field and be a creative director. My forte is coming up with creative ideas so I would love to be the one who dictates the goal instead of the one who just executes someone else's ideas. 

There probably more little trivial things I would like to do but these are the big ones. They would have the largest impact on my life and that is why they are here. I would rather achieve the things I want the most than something similar but not quite what would make me the happiest

Bucket List: Rachel Kelley

 A bucket list, something I fondly remember thinking about often as a kid but now I barely know where to start. When I was little these lists were of course filled with ridiculous, imaginary goals. “Have a pet dragon” was always at the top and “live in a castle” wasn’t far behind, and if I’m being honest those are goals that will always stay on my list because don’t we all deserve to keep a little whimsy in our lives? Plus, who knows, maybe in the future scientists will “Jurassic Park” up some flying lizards; I think that’d be close enough for me.

Realistically though, I want to live far off in Montana, or in a big city to the East--maybe Florida. I know, those are two very different and far apart places but I’d like to keep my list a little flexible! Montana would suit me, with its beautiful mountain regions, but Florida is better located for the work I want to do. 

I mean, you don’t really hear about games or movies being made in the Upper Midwest. Any sort of house would be good with me, so long as it can handle me and some cats because I definitely am taking some feline buddies with me where ever I go.

Aside from that I really would love to travel. Since I was young, I loved the idea of going to Europe and seeing the sites. Visiting the north--Denmark, Norway, Sweden--to explore those mountains and coasts before making my way down towards countries like France, Italy or over to Ireland. That’s where my family is from and it would be amazing to connect with the culture there. Overall, I just want to make my life enjoyable no matter what happens or where it takes me.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bucket List: Jenna Holmes


When I think about the things I want to complete in my life, it’s hard to condense it down to a short but achievable list. Ideally, I would want to accomplish things like curing cancer or ending world hunger, but those are not things that I can achieve realistically. Regardless, the things that are on my bucket list are very diverse.  


My first goal is to get my M.D. Ph.D. in neurology. I want to come up with a new medical procedure or technique.  I also want to get my MD to become a surgeon of some kind, but I haven’t decided yet. I have always been very interested in how the human brain works, so I’m considering neurosurgery. 


I also want to travel to Italy and Greece.  I love the cultures of Italy and Greece, so I have always wanted to explore there.  I want to go sight-seeing and I also want to try all the different foods that these cultures can offer. 


I also want to own a house of my own. I want to have a house with my future husband with two corgis. I don’t really have a specific house in mind, but I want something that I can call home. I don’t really plan on having kids, because I’m content with having dogs as my children.