SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Bucket List: Haley Stone

Southern Arkansas University has been on my bucket list for quite the time. I always wanted to go to college, and I’ve always had a plan for what I might want to do with my future.  As of now, my bucket list items are based upon the next five to ten years of my life.


        My main focus right now is to graduate college with my Bachelors in Exercise Science Pre-Physical Therapy. Preferably with honors, and on my expected graduation year. I hold very high standards for myself, especially when it comes to my education. I would love to continue holding that status.


        After graduation, I intend on furthering my education in Conway, Arkansas. There, I hope to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Between the two colleges, I hope to get an internship to gain more knowledge in my field. This would help me tremendously by showing that I have experience after I receive my degree.


        Once I become a Physical Therapist, I hope to buy my first house. I want to be financially independent. I am strongly set on being able to provide for myself. I hope to also buy my first car. I have always wanted a Jeep!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Bucket List: Kaegen Bailey

Within the upcoming years of my life there are quite a few things that I wish to do . Life is too short to not live it to its fullest, so it’s better to get the fun things done first so you have more things to do later. So here is my bucket list of the things I wish to do before I reach old age. 


First on my bucket list is to go traveling the continents to find a place to eventually settle down in as I want to learn all the different cultures and find a place that calls to me. 


Secondly, I am going to learn how to surf and snowboard. I want to learn new things for when I go up to the snowy mountains or down to the beaches. I want to never grow bored in life, so I’ll learn the things that interest me the most. 


Thirdly, when I find the place, I am going to settle down in. I am going to get a job there as a teacher doing what I love as I grow older and enjoy the time I have. 


Fourthly, I am going to find a home in the countryside, preferably near some mountainsAs I love having a mountainside view to wake up to every morning. It’s calmer than the city or the beach.  


Lastly, I am going to get a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever, so my Pitbull Terrier doesn’t grow bored being alone. I used to have both, so I’d love to have such animals in my life again. 


Bucket List: Layla Rose

 As a college student, I hope to graduate with a bachelor's degree in chemistry and get my PharmD. I aspire to become a pharmacist, and life a healthy and comfortable lifestyle. 

Other than academics, I have other goals and aspirations. I want to someday travel the world (especially Europe) and learn new languages. I hope to be able to spend as much time as possible with my friends and family. Quality time is very important to me. 

Another goal of mine is to learn how to ride a skateboard (my sister has tried to teach me numerous times and I failed miserably.) In conclusion, people change, so my goals might change as time goes on. 

However, I mainly hope to be supportive to the people I care about, and an inspiration to others.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Bucket List: Isaiah Calvert

 The most important thing in my life is my family. One of my biggest goals in life is to spend as much time with them as I can and make the most amazing memories possible with the little time we have together. 

I also want to spend as much time as I can with my best friend Westley. He is a very important person in my life, and we do a lot of things together already, however, I would like to dedicate as much time possible to seeing him as much as I can in the future. 

My number one travel destination is Japan and I have looked into traveling there several times already. I have made the decision to hold off on going until I graduate, but as soon as I do, I will be saving money to go as quickly as possible. 

Another one of my goals is to eventually get married and start a family, but that is still a few years away at this point. Even though Japan is my top travel destination I would like to travel to some other countries with my family, we have talked about going to Europe several times which would be a super fun family trip. 

Even though this is out of my hands I would like to be able to live long enough to see my 80s, I don’t know if many other people wish to live that long, but I always have because I want to see the world progress for as long as I can before I die. I know I have a lot to do on this list but since I'm still young I hope to accomplish all of this and more before my dying days.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bucket List: David Scott


Life is full of surprises. Though, we can experience many life-changing events all in one life. After completing my education, there is so much I want to do, however, I only have one chance to do it. My bucket may not contain much, but it is a start.

First and foremost, I want to take a trip to Japan. Since I am big into anime, I wanted to visit Japan and look at its beautiful scenery. I have heard that Japan is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I also want to learn about the history of the samurai. Ever since playing Ghost of Tsushima, an excellent video game, I enjoyed how the developers told the story of the lone samurai saving his island. This has sparked my interest in learning the cultural elements of the samurai.

Next, the dream of being on the national E-Sports team has been one of the main tasks on my bucket list. Playing video games is one of my hobbies, and looking at other pro players inspired me to pursue my dream. I love the action and fun these players experience while playing video games.

Last but not least, I would like to help my parents pay off their debt. Life can be difficult, and having debt is no different. When I get a good-paying job, I would like to save enough money to help pay everything for my parents. I want them to spend the rest of their lives without worrying about debt.

Even if this list is short, there will be more items added to my list. Since I am just a freshman in college, there are many wonderful things I have yet to explore. I will be looking forward to it.

Bucket List: Lilly Henry

There are several things I want to accomplish within my lifetime. Firstly, I want to be married to my high school sweetheart, Rowan. This may come after finishing another item on my list, but this is the most important task. 

Second in importance is is to get an apprenticeship and work as a tattoo artist. I want to work my way up from doing walk-in’s to eventually only doing private clients. Before the end of college, I plan on growing my hair out and getting a jellyfish cut. I also want to get at least one new piercing and maybe one tattoo (though I’m not sure what I would want to get). 

I have more long-term goals for my life. I do not want biological children, but I do want there to be in a place in my life where I can foster children and maybe adopt. I want to be able to give a kid or teenager a stable and caring environment to learn. 

I'd like to eventually fix and renovate my childhood home. There are a few leaks and holes in the ceiling, and the wood paneling needs to be updated. But right now I have little desire to move and all the intention of fixing up the home that I, as a teenager, grew up in.  

I also want to fix the garden, and perhaps plant a tree when Rowan and I get married. I want to have a nice yard again, and maybe fix the storm shelter. 

Rowan is Jewish, so before we get married before the temple, I will have to convert to Judaism, something that could take years. I also want to travel with his family to New Orleans (their hometown) and Japan (their ancestral home). Though my bucket list may seem simple, I take pride in my goals.

Bucket List: Leah Weaver


    • Buy my own car 
    • Become a nurse 
    • Travel by plane  
    • Travel by helicopter  
    • Travel out of the country  
    • Travel over seas 
    • Take my parents on an extravagant vacation 
    • Become financially stable  
    • Graduate college with a 3.5+ 
    • Go on a mission trip 

I believe that my morals point towards where my hopes and aspirations lie. I want to become the best and most successful version of myself I can. This is for the sake of me and other people I will be taking care of in the Nursing workforce. The whole reason I want to pursue and career in nursing is because I have a love for taking care of other people. 


I also have a passion for math and science, specifically anatomy. I would like to take care of others overseas and provide services and minister to those in need with my education too. It will be heartwarming to give back to less fortunate communities. This will allow me to help others while also living out my dream to travel.  


On a side note, I have also never been on an airplane. My parents always believed that it was cheaper to just drive where we wanted to go considering we have always stayed within the United States. I also have never been on a helicopter. I also want to travel the world and see as much of it as possible while I am still young, hopefully through traveling nursing. Travel nursing while I am young will help me reach my goal to be financially stable because wages tend to be higher for travel nurses. 


It will be a long road to graduation to gain this degree. To reach these goals, I will need to maintain good grades throughout my college career like I have done in high school. The reason I want to be financially stable enough to give back to my parents is because they have kept me motivated in my schooling. My parents are the whole reason I have made it this far and they deserve a nice vacation in return (also because they have taken me to Disney world before.)  

Bucket List: Katherine Tucker


I have ambitious goals for my career: I would like to successfully make it as a renowned independent artist, running my own small game studio. I am hoping to graduate as an honor’s student with a bachelor’s in computer science for game design, with at least 8 small games already made. I also intend to submit art pieces to art galleries or similar public events where I can. I see games as not just entertainment but an art form, and I could easily dedicate my life to proving this as a fact, exploring not just what games are but what they could be. I am excited to enter such a rapidly evolving industry. 


 I wish to travel the world and learn 10 languages. I want to learn about diverse cultures, experience their music and food. I think that it’s vital for the mind and the soul to see so many different perspectives. My big ones to see are New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. I became particularly good at speaking Spanish, but lost the spark to keep learning it, which is a shame, because I like the language more than English. I guess getting back into it would be a short-term goal. 


I would like to get rich, but not for a sports car. Instead, I want a house that I can place gargoyles on and build a hedge maze in the garden. We need more scary goth houses in the world. I would also like to get married someday, but it’s no rush. Maybe in my 30s I will shop around for someone nice. I care more about having a strong group of friends by my side.