SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Chicago NCHC

Four students: Darcy Ellerbee, Isabella Bernard, Jonathan Parker, and Zane Johnston recently attended the NCHC meeting in Chicago in November. All presented posters (see below). They were accompanied by Director Kardas and Assistant Director Odendaal. 

All took the Texas Eagle Amtrak train (in sleeper accommodations) from Texarkana to Chicago.

Waiting for the Texas Eagle. Train was nearly three hours late. L to R: Ellerbee, Parker, Johnston, and Bernard

The trip to Chicago took some 14 hours each way. The fare included meals in a dining car. The sleeper accommodations were tight but better than sitting in coach.

All four presented their honors project work. Bernard had two posters, one on Student Attitudes on Climate Change and she was co-author on another on ChatGPT.

Bernard's poster on climate change. (The posters and the easels did not fit well. That's another poster on the left.)

Johnston's poster, like Bernard's, was a project completed in the Research Methods in Psychology course and both were supervised by Dr. Deborah Wilson.

Johnston's poster on Title IX

Ellerbee, Parker, and Bernard's poster was on ChatGPT. Specifically, it looked at the potential problem of honors applicants submitting AI-written admission essays. This was an honors project from the Cognitive Science course supervised by Ed Kardas.

Parker and Ellerbee stand by their poster. (Bernard, in the same session, could not be both places at once.)

It was not all work and no play, Odendaal made sure of that. All of the students saw other Chicago sites including the Aquarium. I guess it was Shark Week in Chicago.


We also ate a lot. Chicago has great restaurants. Here we are at Volare about to eat pasta.

Next year's NCHC meeting will be in Kansas City. If you want to go, prep a proposal.

Special Thanks to Josh Kee and the SAU Foundation for making this trip possible.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Bucket List: Alexis Tatum


As a hopeful and excited college student I see a lot of potential here at SAU. I have already had so many opportunities come my way. One of my biggest goals is to continue to build meaningful connections in the classroom and outside of it. I have already met so many wonderful people, but I would love to meet more.

One goal of mine is to continue to stay active as I have for the past two years. I want to continue to powerlift and workout for overall fitness as well.

I want to stay with my job at Walmart until at least my junior year. I will get a couple raises along the way. 

I really want an internship this summer (2024). I am already taking steps to get certifications and revise my resume. I want to take a pause from Walmart and do the internship then resume my job during the school year.

I also hope to do well in organizations like FBLA and VITA. Maybe even going to the national conference in Orlando for FBLA?

I want to graduate from SAU with a GPA higher than 3.5. I want to graduate with full honors. I want to have a job related to finance or marketing lined up. 

I hope to stay in my happy relationship and continue to prosper. I hope to have a couple cats and move to Arkansas permanently. (I live in Shreveport, LA)

Bucket List: Trinity Foster

 For my bucket list, my main goal is to be a good wife and mother. 

Next, I'd like to run for state Congress at least once; I've always loved campaigning, and as someone who wants to be a politician, I want to experience being the forefront of a meaningful campaign whether I win or not. 

I want to continue growing my relationship with God and spread the Gospel and love of Jesus in every action I make. 

I want to audition for a professional dance team like the Tennessee Titans and hopefully get to cheer for a season as a pro dancer since I love to dance. 

I want to overcome the responses of misfortune I've dealt with in my childhood and not let it impact my life. 

Lastly, I want to learn and get better at playing tons of instruments: clarinet, saxophone, bass guitar, guitar, viola, piano, drum set, trumpet, and French horn. 

Bucket List: La'drea Hamilton


Going to college was the first thing on my bucket list. I hope to graduate with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Juvenile Justice. With that degree I hope to become a Juvenile Counselor. I hope I can be that guidance in a juveniles' life that they need to get their life back in order. Becoming a Juvenile Counselor has been one of my dreams for a long time.

My second goal is to move to Dallas, Texas. While in Dallas I hope to find my husband so I can start building a family. I also want to build my forever home after. I would like to get married and have two biological kids and adopt at least one kid by the age of 26. Before I adopt I would love to be a foster mom so I can make a difference in many kids' lives.

My third goal would be to be able to travel to all 50 states and many countries with my family. I want to be able to show my family the world. Traveling is a big passion of mine so I want to be able to share that love of traveling with my family. While traveling I want to taste different culture's foods and also see the different sites the world offers. While going to different countries I'm going to teach my kids about humanity and teach them to be appreciative.

My last goal is after I get old and live the life I and to retire peacefully with no worries. I want to be able to sit on my front porch on the house I built and watch my grandkids run around my yard while their parents are at work. I can’t wait to spoil my grandkids.

Bucket List: Sa'riya Hildreth


  • Graduate from SAU with my BSN and Honors 

  • Get my MSN in nursing as a nurse practitioner 

  • Get married by 25 years old  

  • Visit the U.S. Virgin Islands

  • Travel to Egypt  

  • Learn to speak fluent Spanish 

  • Learn how to paint portraits 

  • Buy my parents their dream item 

  • Buy my dream car and house by 28 years old 

  • Go ziplining in Jamaica 

Bucket List: Ryan Druin

As a student-athlete at SAU, I find myself driven by a set of ambitious goals that I am committed to achieving throughout my time here, both as a freshman and over the entirety of my college journey. In my first year, my aspirations include securing a coveted spot on the traveling team, a goal that not only speaks to my dedication to the sport but also to my desire to represent the university at a competitive level. Concurrently, I am steadfast in my commitment to academic excellence, aiming to maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher by the end of the academic year. Balancing the demands of athletics and academics is undoubtedly challenging, but I believe that with discipline and a strategic approach, I can successfully navigate this dual commitment. 


Looking beyond my freshman year, I have set my sights on a broader objective – obtaining a degree in business. This long-term goal aligns with my vision for a successful career post-graduation. I see my time at SAU as an invaluable opportunity to equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the business world. By channeling my efforts into both my athletic and academic pursuits, I aim to position myself for success not only within the university's walls but also in the professional landscape that awaits me upon graduation. Through meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, I am confident that I can turn these aspirations into tangible achievements. 


In pursuit of these ambitions, I recognize the need for a well-defined game plan and a daily commitment to excellence. The path to success is paved with hard work, and I am prepared to put in the necessary effort to ensure that I am not only meeting but exceeding my goals. As I progress through my college journey, I am confident that the skills and experiences gained both on and off the field will shape me into a well-rounded individual ready to face the challenges of the world beyond academia. In essence, my time at SAU serves as a crucial chapter in my personal and professional development, laying the foundation for a future where I am not only prepared to take on the world but to make a lasting impact. 

Bucket List: Shelby Whitehurst

 Graduate SAU with a master's in elementary education 

● Get my first job as a teacher 

● Get married 

● Become a mom 

● Travel to all 50 states 

● Go white water rafting 

● Go to Greece 

● Learn another language

Bucket List: Lacy Olivarez


Every person has a different goal they want to achieve before a certain time. Creating a bucket list has never really been something I have done until this part of my life. Items on my bucket list include: 

  • Graduate from SAU with a 4.0 GPA and with Honors 

  • Get married and start a family in about 10 years 

  • Travel to Chicago with my loved one 

  • Visit Mexico with all my family 

  • Achieve a Ph.D. in Music Education 

  • Become a college band director  

  • Achieve Head of Chair of the Music Department 

  • Learn to bake sweets 

  • Learn how to play the snare drum and tenors 

  • Open a shop that sells Mexican snacks, drinks, and food 

  • Become a double reed instructor whether it is for a college, school, or personal instruction 

  • Become an instrument repairer 

  • Play and sing with my loved one