SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Shatina Hunter Williams in Sicily

 News from one of our grads! Shatina Hunter Williams


I graduated college ‘20 and moved to Little Rock for nursing school!  I got married a year later, and with my husband’s job, we moved to Sicily for three years. It’s been a whirlwind this past year! We moved here, and I finally had time to think about what I truly want to do without feeling any pressure. I am now in my 2nd semester of my online MSW program as this degree will allow me to work in the three areas that I love: higher education, healthcare, and geriatrics. I am excited for the possibilities with this career. 

MSW program as this degree will allow me to work in the three areas that I love: higher education, healthcare, and geriatrics. I am excited for the possibilities with this career. I majored in Spanish and moved to an Italian-speaking country; it is a blessing and a curse. I am learning more Italian than I thought I would, and the architecture is phenomenal. We have traveled to Germany, London, Venice, and Rome so far, and I practice mindfulness daily to remind myself of my amazing and enriching present. The Arkansan in me did not foresee ever moving overseas or integrating into military culture. That was a long explanation, but that has been my experience. P.S. I am also still shocked that I enjoy the phenomena of the social sciences.


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