Taylor Mills
Congratulations are in order for SAU Honors College student Taylor Mills. She has been awarded an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) grant from North Carolina State University's Summer Research Experience in Integrative Molecular Plant Systems.
The grant provides the following benefits:
Stipend: A stipend of $5000 from May 26-Aug 1, for 40 hours of research per week as well as your participation in other activities.
Room: Covers the cost of on-campus housing if you choose to stay in the provided campus apartments (highly recommended).
Board: Students will receive $100 per week to help defray meal expenses.
Travel Expenses:
We will book and pay for your flight if you choose to fly to NC State University (for out-of-state participants). You will be responsible for other travel costs including baggage fees and transportation to/from airport.
Way to go Taylor
the only thing i regret is that hairdo .....freshman yr fols