SAU Honors College

The SAU Honors College was founded in 2003 by Dr. David Rankin, president of SAU. Dr. Lynne Belcher served as founding director and is retired from SAU. The Honors College seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Currently, SAU enrolls nearly 170 honors students and graduates about 66% of admitees in four years or less. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the director, Dr. Edward P. Kardas at or at 870 904-8897.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Honors Council Meets

Here is the agenda for the recent Honors Council meeting. A more comprehensive report and pictures will be posted soon.

Honors Council Meeting/January 8, 2012

Welcome to SAU: Dr. David Rankin
Introduction of Dean of LPA: Dr.Trey Berry
Introduction of SAU Honors Committeefaculty: Karen Ferneding, Shawn Krosnick, Deborah Wilson, Tim Wise
Introduction of Honors staff: David Wingfield, Suraj Manandhar, Lilli Hollensworth, Inna Bagaeva
Introduction of SAU Honors College students: Courtney Phillips, Zachary Pinson

Spring 2012 Enrollment report (as of 01-05-2012):

Full honors: 47— ANTH 5, ENGL 20, PSYC 22

Contracts: 52—ACCT 2, ANTH 4, BIOL 22, CSCI 1, ENGL 3, HIST 3, MKTG 1, PSYC 10, SOC 4, SPAN 1,THEA 1

Fall 2011 Enrollment report

Full honors: 81—HC 60, PHIL 14 , US HIST 7

Contracts: 68—ACCT 3, BIOL 32, CSCI 4, ENGR 1, FIN 1, HIST 6, HUM 9, MGMT 2, MKTG 2, PSCI 2, PSYC 6

National Collegiate Honors Council meeting, Phoenix: Suraj Manandhar, Deborah Wilson, Ed Kardas

Using the Non-Cognitive Questionnaire in Honors College Admissions and Retention: A Two-year Study
An iPad2 for Every Student in Honors Seminar: A Pilot Program
NASA Research Infrastructure Grant: Courtney Phillips, Zachary Pinson, Ed Kardas ($10,000 grant)

Upcoming Events:

Honors Banquet—Saturday, April 28 @ 6 p.m.,
Honors Matriculation—Sunday, August 26 @ 2 p.m. (tentative)

Fall 2011 highlights: Full enrollment (60), Pool Party, iPads deployed, Dustin McDaniel speaks at matriculation, Chinese National Acrobats, Little Rock trip, NCHC meeting in Phoenix, Honors Research Database, faculty teaching meeting

Future plans: Trip to Cuba! Move into honors office and lounge in Nelson Hall. Begin honors programs at two-year schools. Name the Honors College.

Questions or Comments?

Group Picture and Lunch (Special Thanks to Ray Lindsey of Marlars)

Tour Nelson 200

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